Thursday, 5 August 2010

Sorry its late

Sorry im late, i was so tired last night i totally forgot.

I hope you guys are all ok, i have had quite a busy week end.
Thursday i didnt do alot as Bradley was a little grumpy still !!
Friday dan had the day off but we didnt do alot, just a little house cleaning.
Saturday we were thinking of going camping but changed our minds, Has any one been camping with an under one? then in the evening we brought bradley his first pet. Charlie the budgie lol hes a very crazy bird, but Bradley likes watching him.
Sunday we had our M.O.T and we PASSED woop woop, after that we went to the zoo near winchester which was nice bradley liked looking at the animals when he wasnt asleep lol that evening we took bradley to see the emergencey doctor as he had a little rash on the sat night but it had covered his body by sunday, but the said there was nothing they could do as it was a viral infection and the rash was just his body showing us hes fighting it, but he seems ok now. to start with we thought he might be allergic to the bird.
monday we went to the science place in winchester, had another good day playing around lol then dan took me for a meal in the harvester, where bradley just wanted to eat al our food lol the we wnt off to asda.
tuesday i got bradley weighed hes now 17lb 6, he nearly put on a lb in a week
then the past few day i have done nothing, im so tired bradley seems to want to get up at 5 and play :(

As for the young mum. i am a young mum being only 18. I dont know why people judge you for being a young mum i dont think it really matter as long as you are a good mum what does the age have to do with it. Having Bradley young hasnt affected my life, i didnt know what i wanted to do before i had him, i have only now decided what i want to do caree wise. But like others have said at what age do you stop being a young mum? i think its more of a problem if your an older mum. Not having as much time, or being able to do as much, if that makes sence.

any way thats me for the week, i might have some exciting news coming in the next few weeks to come..... x x x x


  1. Was that Whipsnade park you went to? Want to go there myself.
    I'm the same with not knowing what I want to do, when I had Brett all I wanted was to be a mummy!! And to be honest I still dont have clue what I want to do 8 years later!
    As for camping, I'd wait til next year when Bradleys walking, Court was 18 months when we first took her and that was about right :) xxx

  2. i think it was marvall zoo ??? lol yh i have decided i want to do photography,
    we was thinking about it as dans parents asked if we wanted to go with them x

  3. Oh Marwell, yeah the other ones the other way! Photography that'd be really cool what you thinking of doing weddings, christenings etc. You could do my kids bday parties haha :) x
