Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Jumped up twit!!!

Hi all,

I hope you are all well and have had a good start to the week so far?
So as Liz said yesterday our topic this week is misconceptions -good and bad!!
I find the biggest misconception people have of me is that i must be a baby making bum because im a young mum who doest work.About a yr ago i went to a party with a friend,i didnt know many people there but got chatting to a jumped up twit(perhaps my own misconception lol) who asked me what i did for a living..my responce oh i dont work at the moment ive 2 small children.The look on his face after i said that was unbeleivable :( he quickly made his excuses and walked away.
Now i know there are millions of working mums out there and credit to them,but i dont think the mums who dont work should be sterotyped as a bumm or babymaking machine or worse.

We offen refer to ourselves and by others as 'young mums' but at 26 im wonder at what age you stop being a young mum lol.,Dont get me wrong im not wishing the years away at all,and am proud to be a young mum(i had my son at 19) so maybe i will be a young mum for many yrs to come :) Plus i still get asked ID to buy cigs,and alcohol.Which flatters me when i have ID on me.Not so much when i forget it tho and get turned away..that can be a bit embarrasing,more so when i have my 7yr old with me..not old enough to buy alcohol but old enough to give birth at 11 lol.

So anyway back to my week, its been pretty boring so far, i broke my mobile on friday and am still waiting for a new one to turn up..i feel like ive lost an arm or something.Plus ive only really one close friend who is home during the hols and she is on holiday this week,there goes my other arm haha!!
I decided last week i was putting all the kids toys up in there bedrooms( they were taking over the whole house) but they seem to be creeping back down stairs and taking over the whole living room,which is rather annoying as its the smallest room in the house..grrr!!

Its my turn to pick next weeks topic,which im not sure of yet so i will post what that will be by the end of the week.
Must fly now,ive still a mountin of housework and washing to do..oh the joy is to much to contain lol.
Hope you all have a great rest of week xxx

1 comment:

  1. LMAO @ 'not old enough to buy alcohol but old enough to give birth at 11' I'd say we're still pretty young... apparently 27 is old so you're closer than I am haha
