Hey girls its Monday! Lucie seems to have particularly grown this last week, shes actually starting to lose her newborness after 4 months!! She's so cute and cuddly and she's been such a good girl too :) On Tuesday the kids and I went to visit fellow 7yummy Lauren - both our boys are mega into wrestling and WWE so we'd been meaning for a while to get them together and they had a blast! It was nice to catch up too as we'd not seen each other properly for ages other than the more-regular-than-is-probably-normal run-in at Asda (Laurens second home I swear lol). Lucie still doesnt like 'strange' places so she wasnt very happy at first but soon settled after her bottle and even had a nice roll around on the floor! We were also joined by Alix, another old Netmums chum and her two kids. Later that day I met up with Elly and we took the kids to Krazy Kaves. It was the busiest day we've had in a while I think, I'm not used to that much activity! We also watched some of WWE Summerslam that night at home :).
The rest of the week we didnt really get up to alot. I finally had my hair cut on Wednesday, only an inch or so off to tidy the ends up a bit but it looks and feels so much better! Wednesday actually seemed like a really long day althought I'm not sure why. I think every day in the summer holidays is a long one though, cant beleive the kids will be back at school in two weeks. They are actually looking forward to it, I cant say I blame them this has probably been the most boring summer break in history!! I still need to buy all new uniform and I need to do that this week really as we are going to Butlins next week for a last little holiday before they go back. I did buy their shoes and plimsolls on Saturday so thats one thing out of the way (the most time consuming thing too!). I also bought Brett some John Cena trainers and Courtney some new boots so I just spent a small fortune on kids shoes this weekend! None for me though - boo hoo :( Hopefully I can get the rest of their uniform and a few holiday bits for us all later in the week.
Noele has came up with this weeks theme and its all about routines (or lack of them!!)- did you force a rountine upon them, or let them find their own.... what worked what didnt etc.... I personally never really had a routine with Brett, I think with your first child its easy to just work around them. I fed him on demand (about every hour at least, he was a very hungry baby!) and he slept when he wanted to. He was sleeping through the night from about five weeks old but he was a generally difficult baby! Courtney was a completely different story altogether. She was very content, slept alot and fell into her own routine pretty much right away. At the time I was sure this was just because I was more relaxed than I had been with Brett and knew what I was doing a bit more but now I realise she was just a great baby because Lucie has been the complete opposite! Even now she has no real routine and she rarely sleeps through the night. I would say, though, that since we've switched to bottle feeding she does seem to have her feeds at more regular times during the day so I'll know when she is due a feed roundabout and they are more spaced whereas I was breastfeeding pretty much around the clock. I think the thing with routines is, although its great to have some rhyme or reason the your day not just for you but for your baby, you also need to keep it flexible as babies are unpredictable and although some fall into routines quickly, some never stick to the same rota from one day to the next and if your baby is unwell or just in a bad mood your routine is very likely to go flying right out of the window! I already have a restrictive baby I dont need a restrictive routine as well!
So thats concludes Monday. Liz D spoke about baby names in her first post so as its her theme next week maybe that could be our topic? I'll let her decide anyway!
Have a great week all xxx Liz P xxx
PS Another massive congrats to Lilli for passing her driving test with flying colours!!!
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