Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Is it Friday yet???

hi ladies, hope u r all having a fab week

Thursday last week we went to intech for Josh's 8th birthday and it was great- altho while we were there Ethan had a 'moment' apparently when i tell him off for not listening (which is admittedly about 10 times a day- because he just doesnt listen!!!!!) he says it makes him feel like im saying he's useless..... where does a 6 yr old get this stuff from????? seriously, my boy is a tad over-sensitive!!!! and before u ask, there is nothing wrong with his hearing, he is just plain ignorant (gets it from his father) ;)
On Friday we went to a play day at cumberland school- it was absolutely rubbish for kids of my two's age, so we didnt stay long, then Joshua and Harry came down for the weekend.
On Saturday i'd arranged for us to have some photos done where i had some taken when i was pregnant, the idea being we could get some really lovely ones of all the kids together, as well as some individually..... well, we managed two of eryn on her own- because she was being a right cling on, and the boys were running round like mad men so she was a bit scared. Apparently there are millions of the boys, both together and seperately, and a few of the 6 of us together. So not quite what i was after, but we're going to view them this Saturday, and the photograher said he'd get a few of Eryn on her own then because the boys wont be with us.... Vision Photos in New Road, i highly recommend them :D
In the afternoon Ben was once again playing cricket (i was not amused) so me and the four kids went to krazy kaves with my cousin and her girls, followed by dinner at maccy d's. Ben got back at 8 and the two youngest were in bed, and Et and Josh were about to go up too. i then got invited out for the night and decided yeah, what the hell, i could do with a night out and went to get ready...... EVERYTHING i own looked hideous (ben is a feeder and has made me put on half a stone- and altho i probably needed to anyway, on saturday i wasnt feeling my best), and i through a complete strop and decided not to go and went to bed in a foul mood.
Sunday i decided Ben could take the kids out to the D-Day museum and that i wasnt going! so i went to my mums for a moan and a cuppa for a couple of hours- it was bliss- and i felt much better after that :D
Monday we just went to the Adventure Playground, shopping and then my friend and her little one (who is 7months younger than Eryn but weighes only a pound less than her!) came over for a chinwag :) and Tuesday Ethan went swimming with my Dad again.... and, my Dad now knows Ethan's name!!!!!!! it's only taken him 6 and half years!!!!! My Dad isn't exactly the regular sort of Grandad, he has 9 grandchildren and only remembers the name of one of them..... and well, he's a bit useless..... He refuses to acknowledge that my daughter is called Eryn, because 'it's not a real name'..... apparently, so he calls her Iris, which is her middle name (but only when he remembers that!) Anyway, Ethan thoroughly enjoyed himself splashing about in the pool.
Wednesday was a bit hit and miss really, we went to the Museum for their 'out to lunch' thing and Ethan made himself a robot..... i very quickly remembered why i no longer do arty crafty things with him, because we both end up stressing out :S

This morning were off to town to find myself a dress to wear to my mates Hen night on Friday- it's the theme of 'a little dress' but it's not allowed to be black..... following my hissy fit on saturday i have to say i'm dreading shopping, but it needs doing..... :'( ...... just weighed myself and i've put on 6lbs in two weeks!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! diet starts today!!!! :'(

Ethan is off to his Dad's for a week starting tomorrow.... a whole WEEK!!!! He's never been away for a whole week before!!!! I have to admit, i cant wait! Does that sound nasty??????????? Well, yeah i suppose it does, but i could really do with a break!! Ethan goes to his dad's once a fortnight for the weekend, but that's it. He won't have him inbetween if i ask him to, and the way i see it is he has four weeks holiday a year, and only spends a week of it with his son, so i shouldn't feel guilty about looking forward to some 'time off'...... hmmmm, i do sound horrible!! :( oh well...... the problem is i know i'll miss him by day two! lol..... last year he went for 6 days and i'd just had the baby, but i missed him like mad and couldnt wait for him to be home lol.

Ben and i are off to Kent for a couple of days on Sunday. His brother and his family live there so were going to stay with them. Looking forward to that, bit of change of scenery etc. But other than that it looks like it will be a quiet week :S

Hmmmmm, holidays with the kids.... well, i've only been on two hols with kids. The first being when i was pregnant with Eryn> I saved up all the tokens from the Sun, and Ethan, my cousin, her girls and i went down to Camber Sands for a long weekend.... it was lovely, but i was 8months pregnant and knackered all the time, and then i got tonsilitus and it kinda ruined it for me!! lol..... and the other was a similar sort of thing, but when Eryn was 10wks old, and i went to Devon.... again, it was nice, but the weather was crap and i was once again knackered from all the night feeds..... lol
I was once told by a friend who has a couple of foreign holidays every year that once you have kids (she has 3) holidays are just the same as being at home, just not as convienent..... :S I'd love to go somewhere, anywhere, but, well, it's just so costly, and Ethan can be, well, Ethan..... he doesnt cope with change particularly well, and i know damn well that he'd create a fuss if, God forbid, we wanted to do something that wasn't 'for him' so I think i'm going to put it off for another couple of years. My mum wants us to go away somewhere (Crete, Malta etc) next year, and however tempted i am to book it, i dont think she could handle being with me and the kids for a week. I'm sure i'm making mountains out of molehills, but it's an expensive way of finding out.... i dont know.... it would be nice i suppose.... AND i'm absolutley petrified of flying. And i get sea sick.... lol

I assume that being Thursday's lady the topic of the week will be down to me.... I'll have a think and let the lovely Liz know by Monday..... have fun everyone xxx

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