Sunday, 22 August 2010

An overall happy week!

Well thinking about it I have 2 weeks worth to update, lol, but I really can't remember everything that I've done. I Also can't remember what last weeks topic was and am racking my brain to think about this weeks topic, which I think is Holidays.
I'm not quite at the school holiday stage yet, but I am dreading it already, because I'm stuck with what to do with them both in these soggy school holidays, so I dread when they are older. Also when they are in school I will be finishing my degree to become a primary teacher, so will have time off with them on the holidays, etc, so when people say they look forward to having them at home for 6 weeks, I could understand, but if I'm in school seeing them throughout the day and having them all evening and weekends, then all holidays too, it'll be the same as being a stay at home mum, just harder work because I'm teaching lots of other children all day.

Well anyway, I started rambling there, so now to ramble some more as to what I've been up to. The past 2 weeks has been "intensive" driving practising in rush hours, in the evenings, repeating manoeuvres until I was so fed up of doing the same thing, but it all paid off. I passed my theory on 12th Aug, so I then came home and booked the next available appointment for my driving test. I managed to get one but constantly checked the website for earlier appointments with cancellations and other test centres. To my shock one came up for 20th Aug in Lee on Solent, I booked it up and then stress hit me. We went out every day after Mr got home from work, came home for dinner and got the boys in bed, so started cleaning the car and learning q's and a's they ask. Anyway it got to Friday and I was rather nervous, so I kept myself busy, I didn't stop for a second. Then sat in the test centre my nerves disappeared, my confidence came out and the examiner was really nice, we chatted all through the test even through the manoeuvres!! I think he liked the fact that I could concentrate and drive safely while talking (which they like to test you on) anyway, I came out the test centre with a pass certificate with only 3 minors!! 3 minors....I am still in shock how I managed it, on my first test too! My man deserves a MASSIVE MASSIVE Thank you for putting all the hard work in and teaching me, nagging me,etc. They say partners teaching you to drive will damage the relationship, it made ours stronger because of teamwork!

Anyway enough is enough I have a baby on my lap attempting to play with the touch screen. I think he's hinting I've said enough and trying to hit the submit button, lol... I can't believe he'll be 1 years old next Wednesday!!

What a week.
Look forward to next week x x Bye x x

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