Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is having a fab week.... looks a little quiet on here, unless I'm missing something?? which i possibly am- seem to still be in a world far away fighting the psychology degree madness....lol, anyway i promise not to whittle on about uni this week!!!!......
Right then, oh last Friday the boys came down and were full of beans, and all the kids turned into brats for the evening- i dint know what it is- probably the over-excitement of them all being together for the weekend, but they turn into devil-kids for a couple of hours.... but generally soon settle down :) ooohhh we introduced Josh to 'the flight of the navigator' film, does anyone remember it??? it was one of my faves when i was a kid. a few years ago i insisted on buying all my old favourites (wizard of oz, teenwolf, e.t etc) and subjected my Et to them.... so we made Josh and Et watch it on Friday night.... Harry soon got bored and went to bed but Josh and Ethan loved it :D
Saturday Ben got called out at 8am- i was not impressed!!! so off he went expecting to be back after a couple of hours- but no, he ended up having 4 call outs and didn't finish work till 4 :( which obviously left me with all the kids. I don't mind, and i do enjoy it, but i had sooooooo much uni work to do and none of it got done.... and more importantly i don't feel it's fair on the boys. They've come to spend the weekend with their dad, and they end up spending it with me. It must be horrible for them....i hate it when Ethan goes to his dad's and he spends the weekend with his grandparents instead (his dad is doing up a house for him and his gf to live in and his gf teaches kids gym, so she's not about either) although we did have a good day on Saturday. It was my 'niece's' birthday and my cousin had hired the play centre at Mill Rythe Holiday Camp on Hayling Island for her party. It was a wizards and witch theme and i had great fun dressing the kids up. The party was lovely, and my brother was down from London so after that i took the kids to my dad's where my bro was staying.... my dad's face when i turned up with them all was a picture! lol (the man has four kids himself but is adamant he hates children...) There's a park which backs on the the carpark outside my dad's flat and i reluctantly let Josh and Ethan go there without an adult.... I walked them round and my dad stayed with Harry and Eryn and watched the boys through the fence.... i RAN back round to my dad's and we spent the rest of the time outside because that way i could see them. When they wanted to come back they came to the fence and told us, so Ben (he got back from work then) walked round to get them..... call me paranoid but it's the first time I've let them go anywhere without me!! and i could c them the whole time lol... Ben then took them all back to the park while i had a nice catch up with my bro :D xx
Sunday morning Ben was called out again but me and the kids had a very lazy morning... at about half nine Josh announced that he, Et and Harry hadn't had their breakfast- errrr, well that's cause you haven't come downstairs yet..... oh yeah.... lol bless them. Ben got home about 11 and then the door knocked.... very odd for my house... it was my MUM!!!! she NEVER EVER comes to visit.... I've lived here for a year and i can count on one hand the amount of times she's been round!! My step dad was going shopping and she didn't want to go so she thought she'd come to mine- shocking!! lol.... it was the first time she'd met the boys (my mum, much like my father, is not a kid-person) and i think she was a bit shocked by how loud and hectic the house was.... Ben then took Josh and Harry home, and took Eryn too so i could get on an do an experiment for uni (lucky my mum did come round because she was one of my participants! lol) She left and my aunt and uncle came over (that was planned) and we had a nice relaxing afternoon with them :)
Monday after i picked up Eryn from nursery i took her to Asda.... she saw a disney princess ride on toy and fell in love with it.... I'd been adamant she didn't need one as she has a rocking unicorn that turns into a ride on thing but i bought it anyway- for Xmas..... although she did play with it when we got home.... I've got a major attack of 'mummy-guilt' going on, because she's in nursery etc and i keep giving in to her 'demands' all the time.... i think I've already got a spoilt brat on my hands.... ooppsssss lol xx Monday night i had my cousins girls for a bit while she went to the midwife- baby was due yesterday and he's still not here :(- but the kids had a lovely time running round like mad men and girlie's
Tuesday was uni day so i have bugger all to say about that...
And yesterday, ah, my day off :D Eryn and i had a lovely morning playing indoors and a very old friend of mine popped round too which was lovely. Swimming for Ethan yesterday so i took Eryn into the soft-play area again which she loved, and Ethan is doing soooo well in the pool- it's really amazing :)
Its parent's evening on Monday and i cant wait to see what his teacher has to say... i know he's doing well and i'm soooooo proud of my big clever boy :D xx
This morning i took Eryn to the baby group at the Penhale surestart centre.... it was a toss up between there or Krazy Kaves.... we didn't really enjoy it, and it's suddenly changed so you're supposed to book, which i didn't know (we haven't been for about 4 weeks), and well, we wont be going again!! It's sad really because i used to go to about four things a week there... Anyway, i think we'll be going to Krazy Kaves instead from now on....
Then my very annoyed 'cause she's overdue cousin popped round, and then it was time to take Eryn to nursery.... no uni today but lots of work to do.... and a long blog to write ;)
This weeks theme.... lol, well, I was adamant that Ethan was a girl so i allowed his dad to chose the name for a boy.... i wanted Jack, he said no and chose Ethan. When he was born and the midwife said 'it's a boy' i immediately said 'WHAT D YOU MEAN IT'S A BOY?????' i turned to Roy and begged him to let me call him Jack and he said no.... and that was that.... And I'm sorry but Ethan just doesn't suit him.... i'm not saying Jack would suit him better because I'm not ure it would.... but i really really dislike the name Ethan..... His middle name is Thomas which i chose and i still love it... he'd have made a good Tommy actually..... and his surname.... well, it's diabolical.... lol.... and his initials are E.T.C (which incidentally is why i call him Et all the time).....
Eryn on the other hand, well, that was my choice (i had no one to argue with me... lol) I wanted to call her Iris- it means Rainbow and i have a slight... ok... very big obsession with rainbows, and it was also the name of my lovely, wonderful great aunt.... when i discovered i was pregnant i decided if she was a girl, she would be called Iris (Ben for a boy wanted Preston.... Preston!?!?! wtf!!!) and i was more than happy with the name Iris. Oh and William George for a boy.... Until my lovely auntie Iris died.... i was devastated :( and i started to wonder whether i should call the baby it or not. When i asked other people's opinions i was met with 'errr no, its a terrible name' or, 'errr no' or, 'u cant call a baby that' 'that's an old woman's name'- errrr, well all old people started out as babies u know!!! anyway, i decided I'd just see what she looked like... I had millions of names, Emily, Emilia, Elsie (my mums reaction to that- if u call it that u might as well call it Ethel lol) Evelyn, Evie ohhh slight theme appearing here- i like names that begin with E lol.... oh and Martha.... but Martha McCarthy just sounds odd.... etc.... And i really loved the name Erin.... but next to Iris her name just had too many I's... so i decided to swap the I for a Y , and i love it, really love it. When she was born she definitely looked like an Eryn, well, she looked like Ben, but you know what i mean, so Eryn Iris it is :D ...... it's difficult though, because I've always been really hung up on my name, people never spelling it right, not pronouncing it properly etc.... and unfortunately she'll be in the 'got to spell your name out for everyone group' but I'm sure, one day she'll appreciate it lol.....
Right that's me done..... I'm sure i should have thought of a new theme by now, so how about for next week- other people's children.... after our experience with the kid punching Et at Krazy Kaves, how do you deal with things like that? or when children's friends are over? or troublesome toddlers at groups/nursery? do your kids friends adore u? etc....
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