Saturday, 9 October 2010

All Work and No Play

This week has been a bit of a slow one. I've had one of them weeks where I look back, and can't remember what I've done. Sounds awful doesn't it?
Last weekend, James and I toddled off to Southampton with Freyja. James was getting his eyes tested to see whether he was eligible for laser eye surgery, which he is, but only the uber expensive kind. So that can't happen for a while. Whilst he was in with the eye-man, Freyja and I had a wander round West Quay. I love that place, but struggle to exercise self-control when it comes to the shops. I bought a few Christmas presents, and we went for a hot chocolate before coming home. That evening, James had some friends round because they were going airsofting the next day, so I went out with me bezzie mate Leila and had a few too many malibu and cokes. No hangover though! 
On Sunday, Freyja and I did a food shop, and I worked that evening. The rest of the week was pretty quiet. I went to visit one of my Netmum friends with another one of my Netmum friends, and ate lots of biscuits and drank lots of tea. It's lovely having so many lovely people as mummy friends - couldn't have done it without Netmums. I worked that evening (again). On Wednesday, I had to wait in for a delivery, so we just minced around the house and did a bit of housework. Thursday, a friend came over for a drink and a natter. I had a couple of deliveries from PR companies who want me to do product reviews on my personal blog. I couldn't believe what they sent me, it was like Christmas! Freyja dived in to a massive box of Organix Goodies - I think I know what'll be her treats for the next couple of weeks! On Friday, my friend and her daughter came over in the morning and Freyja and Gracie played for a while. They were both being pretty moody though - when Gracie gets moody, she whinges, and when Freyja gets moody, she hits - not a great combo. I worked again last night, and working again tonight and again tomorrow night! Just thinking of the money... 

On to our theme of gadgets and gizmos. When Freyja was first born, I went through a bit of a phase of wanting all the cool electric toys. She had a play gym that she really enjoyed, and a door bouncer that she loved (except it was a bugger to get her out of it). She had a walker that she pushed around the house, but never got that much use out of it really. Apart from that, she had a musical light show thing for in her room which helped her settle when she was much younger, but that's about it. I have a big love for traditional wooden toys, jigsaws, books, and blocks - I much prefer to buy those sort of things rather than the battery ones. There's nothing wrong with them, obviously, it's just personal taste. They tend to last longer when they don't have batteries in them - not to mention it's a lot quieter without so many gadgets on at the same time! I just don't think that that many of them are very educational - the ones Freyja has, have got ridiculous voiceovers and make ridiculous sounds that don't sound like what they are aiming to sound like, so they're pretty pointless really. You just can't beat a bag of Megablox and stacking cups/shape sorters - she has hours of fun with that kind of stuff! 

Have a good week - I'm off to sort the house because my mum is coming to visit tomorrow and staying with us for a week, so I suppose I best go and make her bed up! x

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