Monday, 11 October 2010

going away .............

10th October
Apologies this is a late one again, I did start this on Sunday, but a busy week had by all with new experiences, and just had to get some sleep.  Then realised it was Monday!!!! 
I left the family for one night eek! I had to go to Newcastle for work which meant an overnight stay on Tuesday, the plan was for Nanna and Grandpa to come up and give Husband a hand – however when I got back he was a trooper and had done it all on his own, well Nanna was in the background as a stabiliser but he did really well, the girls at the Nursery said that when the kids were dropped off at 7:30am Husband looked a bit shell shocked but he was there to pick them up after work again  and Nanna said he had the patience of a saint whilst grandson decided he was going to sit everywhere but in his car seat!!!!  I rang once – I chose my time carefully, just after tea but not after bath as I thought this would be less painful or tearful to all.   I haven’t really gone into too much detail, but this was the first time of leaving my children since we have become a family,  just over 12 months and it was lovely that they both wanted to speak to me and they seemed so content and kept saying Mummy work, mummy come back soon.
I then found that being away from them I still got up early!!! 5:30am – what was that all about – here I was able to catch up on my sleep, but only just barely got my 7 hours usual sleep.
We all were a bit shattered by Friday, however by Saturday we seemed to have recovered and were ready to see my Niece and Nephews, brother and sister-in-law and celebrate my birthday all over again!
To this week’s subject – gizmos and gadgets – both children had those zebra seats that are like mini carousels that go up and down when they bounce and round and round – my daughter particularly loved this and would spend ages spinning round and going into her own little world, I got a lovely highchair which could recline all the way back and found use for both children for a quick nap after lunch.
Wishing you all a good week. x

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