Thursday, 7 October 2010

busy busy busy

Hi ladies.....

so sorry, been sooooooo ridiculously busy i forgot it was Thursday!! lol.... anyway, just want to say a massive well done to Liz for all the hard work she's put in for the shoeboxes!!! i haven't read the write up in the paper yet but i will..... we did it in the school i worked in and i think it's a fab idea :D xx
Well, what a week! and it really has flown by!!!! Friday I had uni and i got issued my first practical assessment- a real experiment, on real people! i assumed as it was the first one it would be a breeze- how wrong was i!???!! in fact I'm dreaming about the bloody thing and I've not ever started it yet!! arghh....
Friday night Et went to his dads and Josh and Harry came round. We didn't really do a lot but both Ben and i were exhausted (which is quickly becoming a regular thing!) I'd spent the day feeling like poo and randomly throwing up, and in the middle of the night Ben was really sick too :( so we decided to have a quiet day on Saturday. My cousin ho is in 'operation move baby' mode suggested a walk round Farlington Marshes on Saturday morning, but the boys didn't want to go :( I figured Eryn would appreciate being at home more than stuck in her buggy for a couple of hours (she still wont walk outside) so i went on my own leaving the kids with Daddy.... Shame they missed it though, there was me, my two cousins and their 5 kids (between them, excluding the bump) and 3 dogs. they had a whale of a time hunting crabs and clams and spotting birds :) Incidentally, Baby still hasn't made an appearance though (it's my cousin's eldest birthday on sat and i'm edging my bets that bump will arrive as an extra special birthday pressie for his big sis!) Saturday afternoon Ben took the boys home and we pretty much flaked for the rest of the day. We decided against taking Moo moo face swimming on Sunday as we'd both been ill, and instead went out to buy ourselves a new TV (following the tragic death of Ben's beloved one a few weeks ago) well, we came home with a new TV, birthday and baby arrival presents, Christmas pressies and then as a very big surprise!!! Ben bought me a netbook so i've got my own laptop to do my uni work on :D he is officially the WORLD'S BEST BOYFRIEND!!!!!!! :D
Ethan returned home Sunday night and in true Et style, put a hilarious dampener on things..... he moaned about the new tv!!! said it was the same size as our old one (which is now in our bedroom) errrrr no Ethan it's 8inches bigger lol.... and when i showed him my netbook he was like 'oh right' !!! i said 'aren't you impressed?' to which he repied, 'er mummy, i'm a child, i'm not going to be impressed with a laptop' LOL bless him.....
Monday Eryn was in nursery for a few hours while i went to a meeting at uni. She's getting on so well there now and isn't even crying when i go now- just pulling a really sad face (bottom lip quiver etc..... u know the one ;) ) i had a lecture on Monday night that i missed 'cause Ben wasn't home from work in time, so I've got loads to catch up on :( Damn lifts!!!! lol
Tuesday's are killing me!! I don't see the kids all day!!!! :( I drop them off just after 8 and i don't get home till just gone 6 :( i hate it!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday was lovely, although Eryn was very clingy! Et went swimming and i took Eryn to the soft play centre while he was having his lesson. She loved it! It's the first time she's really actually enjoyed herself at one, and she didn't want to leave.
Today i had to do a stupid computer course at uni, and I'm in again tomorrow morning.... all this balancing everything lark is HARD!!!
Oh Ethan randomly announced he wants to become a vegetarian... i have no problem with this- i was one for 6 years.... but when i asked him if he actually knew what it meant he said no!! lol.... once i'd explained he soon went off the idea..... God knows where he got it from though!!!
This weeks topic, hmmm...... i don't think i've actually brought anything to keep them amused apart from the obvious playmats, gyms etc.... but i do let them play with things they probably shouldnt.... the kitchen drawers, glass photo frames, knives and forks, cameras, remotes, mobiles, and yesterday Eryn was playing with my hammer :S lol..... but it's all supervised if that makes any difference! lol.... oh i had a vibrator that was what i thought was well hidden.... Ethan always managed to find it!!!! (he was about 2 at the time lol) Bless 'em....
The pic is one of the ones we had taken.... i love it..... till next week..... xxxx

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely picture of you all :) Proper little family :)
    You're a busy bee what with uni and stuff - I'm glad I managed to get that out the way before Freyja came along - just wish I'd got a better grade out of it!
