Thursday, 21 October 2010

Awww my 'nephew' is finally here!!

Hi ladies, hope you've all had a fab week.... sorry the post is a little later than normal, but my child-free 'uni work' afternoon was taken up my my gorgeous new 'nephew'..... my cousin went into labour in the early hours of Wednesday morning and was born at 18.13 yeaterday.... I dont think either her sister or i are in her good books though... the plan was for either myself or her sister to have her two girls while she was in labour. Being a week overdue and showing no signs of 'popping' i didnt take my phone to bed with me on tuesday night, and neither did her sister.... Well at 2am Ben and I were rudely awoken by a mid-contraction-scream of 'For F**k Sake u two, ive been ringing u for hours!!!' my darling cousin was standing in our bedroom clutching the door frame while her other half was getting their girls out the car!.... now usually we leave the key in the front door when we go to bed, but for some reason that night Ben had taken it out-good job really or my cousin's key wouldnt have opened the door.... ooooppss. So of they went to the hospital and i had to sort the girls out for bed- bless them they were so concerned about their mummy's sore tummy, and we couldnt find the stopper for the blow up bed. So the youngest had to hop in with Ethan, and the eldest had to make do with a make-shift cushion bed on the floor. Et was wide awake by that point and the little so and so's sat up talking till 3.15am!!
Yesterday morning it was the eldest's school photo day and i had to do her hair.... hmmm, she tried to convince me to do it in a way that i knew damn well her mum would murder me for, so i just did a basic ponytail instead. While i was putting it up she turned round and said 'Auntie Nolly, you're not very good at doing hair are you??'
Errr, yeah, cheers for that!! Anyway i drove the eldest to school on Hayling, ran round to their's to sort their dogs out, took their youngest and Eryn to feed the ducks and play in the park, came home sorted lunch, my friend popped round, I picked up Et, took him swimmimg and the other two to the soft play bit, then dropped my 'niece' of to my cousins on Hayling. Then went back to my other cousins, sorted out the dogs again, and finally got home- i was bloody knackered! But oooohhhh the baby is gorgeous!! me and his Auntie were literally fighting over him this afternoon. I can safely say that i'm now more broody than EVER!! lol! My cousin is doing great too- and looks fab! So many congratulations to them all xx
what else has happened this week..... Oh oh oh, we bought a new car!!! well, not a new car, in fact its a very old car, but u know what i mean.... it's (as Harry would say) A-Mazing!!! it's a seven seater!! so no more two car-ring it everywhere for us! it's HUGE!!! and it's now called Hank The Tank :D
Oh oh oh oh oh , even more exciting than that- i had parent's evening.... :D my gorgeous 6 and a half yr old son has a reading and comprehension age of a 11 and a half to I'm SOOO PROUD!!! and he's doing really well in everything(except P.E! lol) and i couldnt be happier!! AND he's gone up a group in his swimming classes as well!! :D clever little puppy xx
Eryn has been super clingy this week, which in some ways is lovely, but in other a bit of a pain.... she's also been biting me a lot :( and she's getting so cheeky, she's soooo adorable tho
we had a quiet weekend, Et at his dad's and only having the boys friday night. Ben took the kids out on saturday morning so i could get some uni work done which was helpful- boring but helpful lol.
And that's been about it really :S Ben's on call again this weekend so I dont really know what were doing yet :S

so this week's topic. I find 'other people's kids' very hard to deal with sometimes. Ethan hasn't really had many friends over- in fact only one since he's been at school- but that one spent more time with me than with Ethan. But we've had a few incidents at play areas over the years, oh and on his 3rd day in year R at school Ethan got punched!! and another time that year someone BIT his face!!! Now, i know my son and i know he can be a bit patronising and very short with people, but im damn sure he didnt deserve to be punched.... turns out the kid that punched him is well, the class bully even now- although he and Ethan arre now ok with each other. And the reason a child bit him was because Ethan had sat in his seat.... No justification for it in my eyes, but hey ho eh??? (that was pretty much the teacher's response GRRRR)
And i'm majorly protective over Eryn... even with her brother's, i get very annoyed if they upset her :S im not sure if it's cause she's the youngest, or because she's a girl, but i'm gonna have one spoilt madam who gets her bros into trouble alot on my hands i think.... lol
I have no qualms in telling off other people's kids when we're out and about, although i now do get the full story off mine first. Most kids though do like me (i think) but i am 'a bit scary' sometimes apparently... the first time i shouted at Ethan in front of Josh he went as white as a sheet- bless him- It doesnt happen very often, but when i shout, i shout :S
Right, i'd best go.... surprise suprise i've got loads to do.... have a good week xxx

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