Saturday, 2 October 2010

Poo Times Two

This week has been quite a nice week actually, apart from the odd toddler tantrum lasting a day... She has calmed down a bit for the latter half of the week and has been lovely every day, so I'm a happy mummy. 

I worked Saturday evening, which was nice and hectic. A new girl has started, so at least we're not understaffed any more. On Sunday, we went up to Guildford for a couple of hours to see some friends - 2 of them hadn't met Freyja yet despite being a year and a half old, so it was lovely to see them, and they really enjoyed spending time with Freyja. We had a yummy dinner, as well as winning a pair of awesome Converse on eBay. Score! 

On Monday, we didn't really do anything. I did go out for a couple of hours in the evening though, to have a couple of drinks with one of the guys I work with as it was his birthday. On Tuesday, one of the girls I went to high school with (who now lives in Bognor Regis) came over with her little girl and we had a lovely morning of tea and biscuits. The only bad point to their visit was Freyja & Cerys were playing outside, and Freyja decided to step in fox poo and stand, rigid to the spot in tears, until I managed to prise her shoes (which had a double knot I couldn't undo) off her feet. I just left the shoes there in the middle of the garden until James returned from work and cleaned them. I don't mind baby poo, but fox poo is a different story. And it stank. I worked again that evening, but it was a quiet one, minus the uni students taking over half of the pub for a while! 

On Wednesday, we had the car, so I went into town and did some early Christmas shopping! My logic is that if I spread the cost over a longer period of time, we won't be in xmas debt in the new year. I got a few bits for Freyja, and managed to find a couple of bargains. We went to visit my friend Jess after, before picking James up from work - that's the only annoying thing about having the car - getting stuck in the 5pm rush hour traffic to try and get to Fareham, with a restless hungry toddler. Lovely.

We went to Moby's yesterday for a couple of hours - I've never seen it so busy! We had to park on the industrial estate and walk down, in the rain. But it was nice, and it got Freyja out of the house for a while. She was so cute - she saw a lady there, who was holding her newborn baby. Freyja walked past, eyed up the baby, and gave the mum a big cuddle! It was so adorable! She also knows how to hold her own - a 3 year old hit her, and she hit him back! Good on her! I worked last night again, but luckily, I'm off tonight so I can actually have a Saturday off for once. James has some mates over as they are airsofting tomorrow, so I've decided I'm going to go to the pub for a bit. Yoink! 

As for this weeks topic of embarrassing moments, because Freyja isn't old enough to talk herself into trouble, I don't really have that many embarrassing episodes. I spoke to James and asked him if he could remember any moments, and naturally, he came up with the one vile one. You know how during labour, some women accidentally poo. It's normal. It's a bit of a taboo subject, but I'm not one to sugarcoat things. Anyway, I was one of those women. But, whereas in most cases, the midwives manage to clear it up before it shows itself, she missed some. As I was changing position (they tried getting me on all fours), I apparently had a bit of poo stuck to my bum and wafted it right in James' face. I don't think he'll ever let me live that one down. Anyway, enough about poo. Apart from that, and taking half an hour to put up a pram in the middle of the Argos car park with a load of builders laughing at me, there's not much else that has embarrassed me. Yet. 

Have a lovely week xxx


  1. Crikey, your week is almost as busy as mine! You wait, Freyja will be embarressing you for the next 15 years so enjoy this quiet time.

  2. Oh dear on your embarrasments!!! I too had a buggy experience like yours - thought I would have to pay for an extra hour in the car park it took me so long to put down!!!!

  3. Early Christmas shopping?!! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh...

  4. I can't believe you're allowed to go out lol and with a man!!!
    I pooed with Lucie too lol nice!! xx

  5. Lol, yeah, I go out every now and again. It's nice to have some me time! And next week, my mum's visiting too, so James can come out too!

    As for the man - you wouldn't say man if you met him lol. Known him for years and he's a bit of a muppet. Nothing for James to worry about :) I tend to have more guy mates than girl mates, so he's used to it! xx
