Sunday, 31 October 2010
Trick or Treat and Tick n Tock!
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Last weekend, James' auntie and uncle came down from Swindon to stay with us for the day, so we took them to the Water Margin in Gunwharf. It's so lovely there, and such good value. They loved it - as did Freyja, who seems to eat everything in sight. She was particularly favouring the prawn crackers and hoi sin sauce, along with 3 bowls of ice cream! Must be her teething that made her do that.
On the Sunday, they left in the morning, and we went to the Tenth Hole with some friends - it was very busy, which James didn't like much. He's not a big fan of crowded busy places. On Monday, James had a day off work, so we drove up to Somerset to see his grandparents. Well, we did eventually. The car broke down (more like didn't start) so we had to try and find a neighbour to jump start it, which didn't work, so the same neighbour offered to drive James down to the garage to get a new battery. Finally, we got on our way and it was lovely to see them. We stayed there for dinner, and drove back early evening.
On Tuesday, I had a walk round to my friends house and had a cup of tea while Freyja was being a demonic bully. I don't want to be that person who has a kid nobody wants to play with! She's in the process of learning that being a bully isn't a good thing.
We didn't do much else for the rest of the week. I worked on Thursday night which involved putting all the Halloween decorations up. What a mission! Trying to make cobwebby things out of a bag of fluff took me for ages. But it's looking good! Who knows if the decorations will stay the whole weekend though. I know that last night, whilst working again, a few of the masks went walkies, so who knows what else will be "lost" over the weekend. Work last night was horrendously busy - I didn't finish til 2am and here I am, up at the crack of dawn again. I'm taking one of my best friends for tea and cake this morning for her birthday, which should be nice. We have to pop into town this morning to get some bits for my Halloween outfit. I'm working tonight, but my mum is coming down this afternoon to babysit Freyja tomorrow night so James and I can go out. I'm dressing up too - I can't wait! I have white mesh contact lenses and everything! I'll be posting some pictures I'm sure. I just love Halloween!!
I'm not sure if we have any sort of theme or topic this week? So I'll leave it at that. We're just in the middle of teaching Freyja some new words. It's so lovely hearing her talk! My baby girl growing up so quickly :(
Have a lovely week x
Friday, 29 October 2010
Is it time to go back to school?
OK. Is half term over? My head is spinning!
I know it’s not just my children, but their bickering and jab-jab-jabbing at each other with barbed tongues and pointy fingers has completely done my head in this week.
If it’s not the “tell him to leave me alone” or “she keeps bugging me” or the “accidental” tripping over it’s arguing and slapping.
Gawd love ‘em.
Is it time to go back to school yet?
But when they are affectionate towards each other, it couldn’t be nicer. In fact, I’d go so far to say that it makes my tummy tickle to see them being lovely to each other and helpful and all “do you want a drink?”
It makes up for all those times that they spend at each other’s throats or are constantly talking, yabbering and shouting.
This morning was another lazy day (for them) – and failed attempts to get Take That tickets (£90 each? I don’t think so) – before I decided we were all suffering from cabin fever.
Today, though, we went to see CBBC’s Kirsten O’Brien do an art show and it was lovely! She was incredibly lovely to all the children who went on stage (including my daughter!) and the art tips she gave were fab.
Tomorrow will also be a family day, too, and I’m looking forward to it so much. The camera will be in full force, with me taking terrible photos, but I’m hoping this is the sort of stuff they will remember. Not me having a full blown, throat-aching shout at them because they are goading each other and taking things that little bit too far.
keeping up???? :S
Half term when I'm at uni- not fun!!! In fact its been a total wash out- i feel sooooo guilty. Ethan has been to my cousin's, his Granny's, my Nan's, with my Dad and my step-dad. We had one whole day together, but Eryn was a bit poorly and had been up all the previous night, so we didn't actually do anything :( But he has been swimming 3 times this week so he's had fun, just not with me :(
Last night i actually went out!!! with my fellow students.... OMG I'm way too old for all the drinking malarkey now!! i had a fab night- dressed in a toga ;) but as soon as i got home i puked, repeatedly, and this morning i feel like death! i had to get my step dad to drive me to uni 'cause i was way too hungover to even think about driving- and i still feel awful now- trying to keep up with the 'young-uns' i really shouldn't do it!!
I did have loads to say, but well, my hungover achey head has gone blank, so I'll leave it very short and not-very sweet :S
Sunday, 24 October 2010
And I will Drive 500 miles ....................
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Spoons, Calpol, Work & Snot.
On Monday, we didn't really get up to much. A friend came over in the evening though and we pigged out on Dominos while watching Harry Brown. Oh my God, what an amazing film. If you haven't seen it, watch it.
On Tuesday, we went with a friend and her little boy to the Natural History museum on the seafront. We had a feeling the butterflies were out of season, but there were still a couple of them left. We had a mosey around the rest of the museum and Freyja was terrified of the big dinosaur, until she knew it didn't move. Bless her. We popped down to the Tenth Hole for a bit of brekkie and a brew and then made our way back. It was a lovely morning. I went to work that evening - it was really quiet so went quite slowly.
On Wednesday, one of my good friends came over and we just chilled out and kept Freyja entertained. I worked again that evening, and we had a 100 man pub crawl comprising of drunk cheerleaders and american footballers - that was eventful.
On Thursday, another good friend and her little girl popped over, and we were joined by a fellow Netmum and her 2 girls - it was lovely having a house full of kids, but Freyja isn't that keen on sharing at the minute, so there were a few wobblers going on. My bezzie mate came over in the evening and we watched Kick Ass, which was again, an awesome film.
Yesterday a friend from Netmums came over with her little boy and we just chatted and caught up. I haven't seenher for a few months so her little boy has grown loads! I worked last night, and it was really busy, so that kept me entertained.
I'm getting a new phone this week - I can't wait to have a new one. I'm just waiting to hear back from them about whether I qualify, it's so exciting. I love gadgets! James' aunt and uncle are coming down from Swindon to stay with us this afternoon. They are going back tomorrow morning. It'll be lovely to have them, and they haven't seen our house yet. I think we are going out for dinner this evening, after we have a visit from James' sister & family this afternoon. Should be lovely. I'm not working this weekend! Woop! That's a first...
Onto this week's topic - I've not really had to deal with other people's kids yet. Freyja seems to be the bully at the moment, rather than getting picked on. We don't really have to handle older kids, but I remember once, when we were in Krazy Kaves, Freyja was playing in the toddler ball pit and a 6 year old launched himself at her and landed on her face. She wasn't too pleased with that. I couldn't find his mother anywhere, but he had a telling off by me. He shouldn't have even been in there! I suppose I have all of this to look forward to as Freyja grows - I'm not sure how I'll handle people moaning about her/me moaning to others about their kids. We'll see what happens!
Have a good week xx
Friday, 22 October 2010
Holiday blues
Here we go ... it’s half term – and some urgent work has just come in.
Why does it always come in just as the school holidays start?
Of course, now the children are at different schools, the holidays don’t quite dovetail.
Son is off today, as the teachers have the first of goodness knows how many training days (I know they work hard, blah blah, but, really ...). Both are off next week, then the following week sees daughter off Monday and Tuesday. ARGH!
I’d hoped we could have had a couple of day trips out, but sadly that doesn’t look likely anymore. One of their nans has stepped into the breach and offered to take them out for two days (not that the children are looking forward to the prospect), so that leaves three days ... it is giving me palpitations, just thinking about it.
No doubt it will mean getting up at 4.30am to work for a few hours so that I can give them enough meaningful time during the day. Then I’ll have to knuckle down again early evening to make up lost time.
Reading this back makes me sound incredibly selfish and as if I don’t want them around. Nothing could be further from the truth. I just find it very hard to balance the school holidays and work.
I’m sure we’ll get to enjoy some time together without resorting to bickering (you see? I *am* optimistic) and I’ll report back on what we manage to do as a family next week.
Yesterday was the dreaded toy fair at son’s school. This annual fundraiser sees us donating good quality toys that the children have outgrown and cringing at the tat that they (now just the one child, of course) bought with our hard-earned money.
McDonald’s toys used to feature very heavily on their buying list – simply because I refuse to eat there, so it was their way of exacting revenge on my prejudices.
This year I imposed an absolute moratorium on such toys and, like previous years, emphasised the fact that if he doesn’t spend his £1.50 (which actually buys A LOT), he can keep the money.
I can tell son has grown up that little bit more – for this year he came out of school with a very small – and very cute – little teddy that cost him 10p.
It doesn’t even look that dirty, although it may accidentally find itself having a quick dip in the washing machine!
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Awww my 'nephew' is finally here!!
Yesterday morning it was the eldest's school photo day and i had to do her hair.... hmmm, she tried to convince me to do it in a way that i knew damn well her mum would murder me for, so i just did a basic ponytail instead. While i was putting it up she turned round and said 'Auntie Nolly, you're not very good at doing hair are you??'
Errr, yeah, cheers for that!! Anyway i drove the eldest to school on Hayling, ran round to their's to sort their dogs out, took their youngest and Eryn to feed the ducks and play in the park, came home sorted lunch, my friend popped round, I picked up Et, took him swimmimg and the other two to the soft play bit, then dropped my 'niece' of to my cousins on Hayling. Then went back to my other cousins, sorted out the dogs again, and finally got home- i was bloody knackered! But oooohhhh the baby is gorgeous!! me and his Auntie were literally fighting over him this afternoon. I can safely say that i'm now more broody than EVER!! lol! My cousin is doing great too- and looks fab! So many congratulations to them all xx
what else has happened this week..... Oh oh oh, we bought a new car!!! well, not a new car, in fact its a very old car, but u know what i mean.... it's (as Harry would say) A-Mazing!!! it's a seven seater!! so no more two car-ring it everywhere for us! it's HUGE!!! and it's now called Hank The Tank :D
Oh oh oh oh oh , even more exciting than that- i had parent's evening.... :D my gorgeous 6 and a half yr old son has a reading and comprehension age of a 11 and a half to I'm SOOO PROUD!!! and he's doing really well in everything(except P.E! lol) and i couldnt be happier!! AND he's gone up a group in his swimming classes as well!! :D clever little puppy xx
Eryn has been super clingy this week, which in some ways is lovely, but in other a bit of a pain.... she's also been biting me a lot :( and she's getting so cheeky, she's soooo adorable tho
we had a quiet weekend, Et at his dad's and only having the boys friday night. Ben took the kids out on saturday morning so i could get some uni work done which was helpful- boring but helpful lol.
And that's been about it really :S Ben's on call again this weekend so I dont really know what were doing yet :S
so this week's topic. I find 'other people's kids' very hard to deal with sometimes. Ethan hasn't really had many friends over- in fact only one since he's been at school- but that one spent more time with me than with Ethan. But we've had a few incidents at play areas over the years, oh and on his 3rd day in year R at school Ethan got punched!! and another time that year someone BIT his face!!! Now, i know my son and i know he can be a bit patronising and very short with people, but im damn sure he didnt deserve to be punched.... turns out the kid that punched him is well, the class bully even now- although he and Ethan arre now ok with each other. And the reason a child bit him was because Ethan had sat in his seat.... No justification for it in my eyes, but hey ho eh??? (that was pretty much the teacher's response GRRRR)
And i'm majorly protective over Eryn... even with her brother's, i get very annoyed if they upset her :S im not sure if it's cause she's the youngest, or because she's a girl, but i'm gonna have one spoilt madam who gets her bros into trouble alot on my hands i think.... lol
I have no qualms in telling off other people's kids when we're out and about, although i now do get the full story off mine first. Most kids though do like me (i think) but i am 'a bit scary' sometimes apparently... the first time i shouted at Ethan in front of Josh he went as white as a sheet- bless him- It doesnt happen very often, but when i shout, i shout :S
Right, i'd best go.... surprise suprise i've got loads to do.... have a good week xxx
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Im going to come play in your house today...
I changed skyes days at nursery last week,she used to go every morning but would get upset when she had to leave at lunchtimes.So she is now doing 1 morning,2 full days with 2days off.She loves it but gets very grumpy when she realises the days she cant go.I think she is more then ready to start big school in september nxt year bless her.
Jaydon has been pestering me for weeks to get his ear peirced,im not sure where he got the idea from as he says none of his friends have it done-he just wants it apparantly lol.After the tenth time of being ask,while out shopping on friday i let him have it done.It actually looks really cool,i was worried it would look a bit chavie but it doesnt and he love it.
Mum and stepdad popped over lastnight,they had not long been back from there honeymoon in Egypt and came bearing lots of lovely gifts for the children.Rangeing from tourist tshirts/hats and maps to books and a lovely handmade egyptian painting for me and 2 lovely hand crafted ornaments of egyptian cats..I love them!! Im cat mad and am happy to admit that one day i will become that mad cat women,when im old and gray and living with 20+ cats haha!!!
Other peoples children..hummm Well im good with close friends and families children,but as Jaydon gets older and spends more time playing with the kids in our street and local kids that play in the area,im beginning to take a dislike to some of them more and more..Not just them actually, there parents too.
Im not sure about you guys,but growing up as a kid others peoples parents were thought of as scary grown ups.Now days it appears day i had a little boy knock my door and ask for Jaydon to go out and play,i said no not today, he has family coming to visit soon.His responce..well let him out untill they get here..or another was.. Im going to come and play in your house today!! To me that is just rude.
As i missed last weeks topic i thought i would touch on it quickly..We had hundreds of names for Jaydon when i was pregnant, but during the last week i realised it was either going to be Jaydon Bradley or Bradley Jaydon.Soon as i saw him i thought yep he's a Jaydon,When my dad came to visit he said..Oh nan said to call him Bradley and i think bradley is so much better then Jaydon..After 19 hours of labour i was in no mood to deal with my dad giving me his views on my sons name.So i Just blurted out well his name is Jaydon dad so get used to it.To this day he very rarely calls him by his name..Its normally 'boy or son'.
I always loved the name Skye,after skye from neighbours(when she was the baby lol)and so did Jay,altho he wanted to call her Star after liking the name from the 80's movie LostBoys..But one day i heard a mother shout STAR at her child running off,and i thought no no no no...I loved Ava and wanted to call her Skye ava but it was soon poined out that it sounded like skyva,Jay wouldnt have her Ava Skye so we picked Skye Jessica.Funny as i mentioned Jessica 4 month before and he said no..Then i said it again 3 weeks before she was born and he loved it....Strange man lol.
Sorry for te later post..hope u have a good week xx
Monday, 18 October 2010
Other peoples kids!
We watched Toy Story 3 yesterday - finally - and it really brought a lump to my throat! For an animated movie, some of it was strangely uncomfortable to watch as well! Really enjoyed it though. I've had quite a chilled weekend which has been nice. The older kids stayed at their grandparents Friday night and didn't get back until late-ish Saturday so it was definitely peaceful indoors! I had to pop into town Saturday so it was nice not to have to drag them along! I also popped in to see Stew at the coffee shop and had a yummy bacon and brie pannini.
Noele has came up with a pretty interesting topic this week - other peoples kids! Most kids tend to really like me so that's not too much of a problem. Now as to whether I like them... lol. No, I think for the most part we don't have too many problems with other kids when we are out and about. Occasionally, at Krazy Kaves one of mine will come over saying someone said something or did something or keeps chasing them, stuff like that but I don't think we've had any real 'violence' issues! Thankfully! Also I am very lucky in that my children aren't nasty or spiteful (except occasionally to each other!) so I don't have parents coming to moan at me. If one did though and it was apparent that one of mine was at fault, I would of course have them apologise to the child in question.
In less than two weeks, however I will have a house full of other peoples kids as I am having my (4th annual!!) Halloween party! Can't wait!
Have a great week xxx
Sunday, 17 October 2010
A week off or not - you decide!
So, sorry about the late post - It's been a bit of a manic week, because we've had my mum visiting. It's been lovely having her, and Freyja has really enjoyed it. She arrived on Sunday afternoon, but unfortunately I had to go to work early evening, so I didn't really see much of her. On Monday, we did a massive food shop - she helps out enormously when she comes to visit and stocks our freezer with loads of meat and fish - saves us a fortune each week.
We have been shopping a couple of times - Freyja has some lovely warm winter boots (that she's currently struggling to get on the wrong feet) and she has a couple more stocking fillers. I've worked a couple of evenings, and James and I went to the pub once for a bit of us-time. We never get to go for drinks together really because of babysitting etc, so it was really appreciated.
We went to visit James' sister on Sunday morning before Mum arrived, and on the way, Freyja decided to projectile vomit all over herself. Turns out she had a bit of a bug - one of them 24 hour jobbies, so we had to strip her down in the middle of Fareham, and wash the car seat completely. It wasn't very pleasant, poor mite. A couple of days later, James got sent home from work for having the same thing. Also, not very pleasant. I thought I'd managed to avoid it (somehow) but it was my turn on Thursday. Whilst we were at the pub, I started feeling quite sick (not through drinking) so we came home. Later that evening, I started throwing up, and felt awful the next day. I still went to work Friday evening though.
Yesterday, we popped into town for a couple of bits, whilst James stayed at home sorting some computery stuff. Our friend Tom arrived at 6, because we had a table booked at Sakura for half past. It's the Japanese restaurant on Albert Road, and we hadn't tried it before. It was absolutely lovely, although I was bit worried about having sushi on a stomach which hadn't exactly been very good the past couple of days. After that, we went for drinks and got a tad merry for the first time in a while. It was great having both of us out together.
This week's topic that Liz set was baby names. As soon as we had found out that our baby was going to be a girl, we put our thinking caps on to choose a name we both liked. We had a few contenders, but we just wanted something a bit different - a name that meant something to us. James is really interested in Anglo Saxon and Norse mythology, and so Freyja felt like a perfect choice. In mythology, she was the goddess of love and magic, as well as beauty and fertility. It was perfect. As soon as I gave birth to her, I knew she was a Freyja and nothing else would have ever suited her. We decided to spell it the original way, with the 'YJ' rather than just the way - Freya is apparently quite a popular baby name at the moment, so we decided to be a bit different. Her middle name is Eowyn - yes, it's a name out of Lord of the Rings, but we got it from our love for Tolkien, not the films. Although the films are awesome. We just thought it went well with her first name. We're going to continue with the Anglo Saxon names if and when we have another child - Just have to try and find one that sounds half-normal. There's no way I'm going to be calling our little boy Ethelred or Aldrich - much to James' dismay!!
Mum goes home tomorrow. It will be sad to see her go, but it's been a lovely week. Hopefully things will get back to normal a bit - Ii haven't had time to catch up with my crap TV, or keep up with my personal blog! It's a hard life...
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Bonkers week
Argh! I’ve done it again. Woke up with a start at about 5am today and realised I should have filed my diary yesterday.
I am sorry.
It’s been another bonkers week. Work, work, work – then I decide to launch a hyperlocal blog for the village in which I live and I started a course (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector).
You know that feeling when you have bitten off more than you can chew? Yep – that’s me this week.
Daughter arrived back safe and sound from her outward bound course – wearing someone else’s socks and claiming she had to borrow others’ clothes because she hadn’t got enough (read last week’s entry about the ridiculously large case she took that was bursting at the seams).
Of course, I found several clean pairs of socks and a pair of unworn joggers in her bag. Oh – and there was a towel missing. And the cheapest trainers in the world (£5 from Tesco) that I bought for her so she could wreck them and throw them away were untouched. Her half decent pair are ruined and the pair of shoes for the hostel are completely soaked, wrecked and stink.
Makes you want to weep...
This week I enrolled son into a karate class. He’s such a little sweetie, but I do think he can be a little too sensitive at times. This is no bad thing, but I want him to be able to defend himself if anything untoward happens.
He tried tae kwon do a few years back but I took him out of the class when the instructor threw one of those big sparring cushions at him. The episode terrified him and he was reluctant to go to karate, but the instructor was so welcoming and friendly that he decided to give it a go. He loves it. But then he always does the first couple of weeks. It’s usually when I’ve paid the full enrolment fees/licences etc that he decides he doesn’t want to go again.
Fingers crossed this time ...
Thursday, 14 October 2010
witches and wizards, and too many E's and I's
Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is having a fab week.... looks a little quiet on here, unless I'm missing something?? which i possibly am- seem to still be in a world far away fighting the psychology degree, anyway i promise not to whittle on about uni this week!!!!......
Right then, oh last Friday the boys came down and were full of beans, and all the kids turned into brats for the evening- i dint know what it is- probably the over-excitement of them all being together for the weekend, but they turn into devil-kids for a couple of hours.... but generally soon settle down :) ooohhh we introduced Josh to 'the flight of the navigator' film, does anyone remember it??? it was one of my faves when i was a kid. a few years ago i insisted on buying all my old favourites (wizard of oz, teenwolf, e.t etc) and subjected my Et to them.... so we made Josh and Et watch it on Friday night.... Harry soon got bored and went to bed but Josh and Ethan loved it :D
Saturday Ben got called out at 8am- i was not impressed!!! so off he went expecting to be back after a couple of hours- but no, he ended up having 4 call outs and didn't finish work till 4 :( which obviously left me with all the kids. I don't mind, and i do enjoy it, but i had sooooooo much uni work to do and none of it got done.... and more importantly i don't feel it's fair on the boys. They've come to spend the weekend with their dad, and they end up spending it with me. It must be horrible for them....i hate it when Ethan goes to his dad's and he spends the weekend with his grandparents instead (his dad is doing up a house for him and his gf to live in and his gf teaches kids gym, so she's not about either) although we did have a good day on Saturday. It was my 'niece's' birthday and my cousin had hired the play centre at Mill Rythe Holiday Camp on Hayling Island for her party. It was a wizards and witch theme and i had great fun dressing the kids up. The party was lovely, and my brother was down from London so after that i took the kids to my dad's where my bro was staying.... my dad's face when i turned up with them all was a picture! lol (the man has four kids himself but is adamant he hates children...) There's a park which backs on the the carpark outside my dad's flat and i reluctantly let Josh and Ethan go there without an adult.... I walked them round and my dad stayed with Harry and Eryn and watched the boys through the fence.... i RAN back round to my dad's and we spent the rest of the time outside because that way i could see them. When they wanted to come back they came to the fence and told us, so Ben (he got back from work then) walked round to get them..... call me paranoid but it's the first time I've let them go anywhere without me!! and i could c them the whole time lol... Ben then took them all back to the park while i had a nice catch up with my bro :D xx
Sunday morning Ben was called out again but me and the kids had a very lazy morning... at about half nine Josh announced that he, Et and Harry hadn't had their breakfast- errrr, well that's cause you haven't come downstairs yet..... oh yeah.... lol bless them. Ben got home about 11 and then the door knocked.... very odd for my house... it was my MUM!!!! she NEVER EVER comes to visit.... I've lived here for a year and i can count on one hand the amount of times she's been round!! My step dad was going shopping and she didn't want to go so she thought she'd come to mine- shocking!! lol.... it was the first time she'd met the boys (my mum, much like my father, is not a kid-person) and i think she was a bit shocked by how loud and hectic the house was.... Ben then took Josh and Harry home, and took Eryn too so i could get on an do an experiment for uni (lucky my mum did come round because she was one of my participants! lol) She left and my aunt and uncle came over (that was planned) and we had a nice relaxing afternoon with them :)
Monday after i picked up Eryn from nursery i took her to Asda.... she saw a disney princess ride on toy and fell in love with it.... I'd been adamant she didn't need one as she has a rocking unicorn that turns into a ride on thing but i bought it anyway- for Xmas..... although she did play with it when we got home.... I've got a major attack of 'mummy-guilt' going on, because she's in nursery etc and i keep giving in to her 'demands' all the time.... i think I've already got a spoilt brat on my hands.... ooppsssss lol xx Monday night i had my cousins girls for a bit while she went to the midwife- baby was due yesterday and he's still not here :(- but the kids had a lovely time running round like mad men and girlie's
Tuesday was uni day so i have bugger all to say about that...
And yesterday, ah, my day off :D Eryn and i had a lovely morning playing indoors and a very old friend of mine popped round too which was lovely. Swimming for Ethan yesterday so i took Eryn into the soft-play area again which she loved, and Ethan is doing soooo well in the pool- it's really amazing :)
Its parent's evening on Monday and i cant wait to see what his teacher has to say... i know he's doing well and i'm soooooo proud of my big clever boy :D xx
This morning i took Eryn to the baby group at the Penhale surestart centre.... it was a toss up between there or Krazy Kaves.... we didn't really enjoy it, and it's suddenly changed so you're supposed to book, which i didn't know (we haven't been for about 4 weeks), and well, we wont be going again!! It's sad really because i used to go to about four things a week there... Anyway, i think we'll be going to Krazy Kaves instead from now on....
Then my very annoyed 'cause she's overdue cousin popped round, and then it was time to take Eryn to nursery.... no uni today but lots of work to do.... and a long blog to write ;)
This weeks theme.... lol, well, I was adamant that Ethan was a girl so i allowed his dad to chose the name for a boy.... i wanted Jack, he said no and chose Ethan. When he was born and the midwife said 'it's a boy' i immediately said 'WHAT D YOU MEAN IT'S A BOY?????' i turned to Roy and begged him to let me call him Jack and he said no.... and that was that.... And I'm sorry but Ethan just doesn't suit him.... i'm not saying Jack would suit him better because I'm not ure it would.... but i really really dislike the name Ethan..... His middle name is Thomas which i chose and i still love it... he'd have made a good Tommy actually..... and his surname.... well, it's diabolical.... lol.... and his initials are E.T.C (which incidentally is why i call him Et all the time).....
Eryn on the other hand, well, that was my choice (i had no one to argue with me... lol) I wanted to call her Iris- it means Rainbow and i have a slight... ok... very big obsession with rainbows, and it was also the name of my lovely, wonderful great aunt.... when i discovered i was pregnant i decided if she was a girl, she would be called Iris (Ben for a boy wanted Preston.... Preston!?!?! wtf!!!) and i was more than happy with the name Iris. Oh and William George for a boy.... Until my lovely auntie Iris died.... i was devastated :( and i started to wonder whether i should call the baby it or not. When i asked other people's opinions i was met with 'errr no, its a terrible name' or, 'errr no' or, 'u cant call a baby that' 'that's an old woman's name'- errrr, well all old people started out as babies u know!!! anyway, i decided I'd just see what she looked like... I had millions of names, Emily, Emilia, Elsie (my mums reaction to that- if u call it that u might as well call it Ethel lol) Evelyn, Evie ohhh slight theme appearing here- i like names that begin with E lol.... oh and Martha.... but Martha McCarthy just sounds odd.... etc.... And i really loved the name Erin.... but next to Iris her name just had too many I's... so i decided to swap the I for a Y , and i love it, really love it. When she was born she definitely looked like an Eryn, well, she looked like Ben, but you know what i mean, so Eryn Iris it is :D ...... it's difficult though, because I've always been really hung up on my name, people never spelling it right, not pronouncing it properly etc.... and unfortunately she'll be in the 'got to spell your name out for everyone group' but I'm sure, one day she'll appreciate it lol.....
Right that's me done..... I'm sure i should have thought of a new theme by now, so how about for next week- other people's children.... after our experience with the kid punching Et at Krazy Kaves, how do you deal with things like that? or when children's friends are over? or troublesome toddlers at groups/nursery? do your kids friends adore u? etc....
Monday, 11 October 2010
Just a quick one today.....
I have just had the laziest weekend imaginable. On Saturday we didnt even get dressed. This was mainly because Lucie had kept me up all night as I was at mine on my own (with the kids of course!)and I could barely function for being so tired!
I didn't get up to anything really during the week - Krazy Kaves on Tuesday, a few trips to town 'shoebox shopping' and the usual school runs. I did book a hall for my Operation Christmas Child Packing Party (thinking of which I need to get myself down to Eastney to pay the deposit). You can find more details here . The event is now going to be livestreamed too which is very exciting!
On the MommyTube channel this week we are talking about baby names so I thought I'd bring it up here as well - why did you choose your names? Do they have special meanings? Do you have any cute or crazy nicknames for your kids? Also I asked "what names are popular where you are?" but as most of us on this blog live in the same place, that one may come out the same! You can still answer it anyway if you like!!
You can check out my vid on the subject here .
Have a great week all :) xxx
going away .............
Saturday, 9 October 2010
All Work and No Play
Friday, 8 October 2010
Travelling light ..

I had to laugh as I waved off P, my daughter, this morning as she went off on her first school trip since joining secondary school.
About 150 of them (+ 20 teachers) are going on an Outward-Bound style weekend. It means old trainers, old t-shirts, joggers and waterproofs. Most of the clothing will get wet; some of it will have to be thrown away.
As we struggled to get everything into the very large bag that that I used when we went away for the summer, I realised she had sneaked in a bit of contraband clothing: a pair of shiny flat pumps (just what you need in a youth hostel); a glittery belt; a couple of disco-style tops. I threw them out – only the essentials were allowed if she were to fit in such things as toiletries.
The bag just about zipped up. It was heaved into the back of the car and off we went. I was worried we’d overpacked, but on seeing her friends I realised the bag we’d packed was about average in size and weight.
Off they trundled, all excited (more worries from me: it won’t be long before we will wave goodbye to this gaggle of girls as they make their way to Torremolinos or Benidorm for a holiday in the sun).
Then I noticed a group of boys who are in the same year making their way to school. Surely some mistake? Weren’t they going on the trip? They appeared to be empty-handed. Oh no – on closer inspection, they appeared to be wheeling what appeared to be nothing more than a lunchbag on wheels!
How could they fit in sweatshirts, trainers and walking socks in such tiny bags?
It was the perfect example of how males and females pack differently for the same thing. And I bet the girls wear only two things all weekend …
Thursday, 7 October 2010
busy busy busy

Hi ladies.....
so sorry, been sooooooo ridiculously busy i forgot it was Thursday!! lol.... anyway, just want to say a massive well done to Liz for all the hard work she's put in for the shoeboxes!!! i haven't read the write up in the paper yet but i will..... we did it in the school i worked in and i think it's a fab idea :D xx
Well, what a week! and it really has flown by!!!! Friday I had uni and i got issued my first practical assessment- a real experiment, on real people! i assumed as it was the first one it would be a breeze- how wrong was i!???!! in fact I'm dreaming about the bloody thing and I've not ever started it yet!! arghh....
Friday night Et went to his dads and Josh and Harry came round. We didn't really do a lot but both Ben and i were exhausted (which is quickly becoming a regular thing!) I'd spent the day feeling like poo and randomly throwing up, and in the middle of the night Ben was really sick too :( so we decided to have a quiet day on Saturday. My cousin ho is in 'operation move baby' mode suggested a walk round Farlington Marshes on Saturday morning, but the boys didn't want to go :( I figured Eryn would appreciate being at home more than stuck in her buggy for a couple of hours (she still wont walk outside) so i went on my own leaving the kids with Daddy.... Shame they missed it though, there was me, my two cousins and their 5 kids (between them, excluding the bump) and 3 dogs. they had a whale of a time hunting crabs and clams and spotting birds :) Incidentally, Baby still hasn't made an appearance though (it's my cousin's eldest birthday on sat and i'm edging my bets that bump will arrive as an extra special birthday pressie for his big sis!) Saturday afternoon Ben took the boys home and we pretty much flaked for the rest of the day. We decided against taking Moo moo face swimming on Sunday as we'd both been ill, and instead went out to buy ourselves a new TV (following the tragic death of Ben's beloved one a few weeks ago) well, we came home with a new TV, birthday and baby arrival presents, Christmas pressies and then as a very big surprise!!! Ben bought me a netbook so i've got my own laptop to do my uni work on :D he is officially the WORLD'S BEST BOYFRIEND!!!!!!! :D
Ethan returned home Sunday night and in true Et style, put a hilarious dampener on things..... he moaned about the new tv!!! said it was the same size as our old one (which is now in our bedroom) errrrr no Ethan it's 8inches bigger lol.... and when i showed him my netbook he was like 'oh right' !!! i said 'aren't you impressed?' to which he repied, 'er mummy, i'm a child, i'm not going to be impressed with a laptop' LOL bless him.....
Monday Eryn was in nursery for a few hours while i went to a meeting at uni. She's getting on so well there now and isn't even crying when i go now- just pulling a really sad face (bottom lip quiver etc..... u know the one ;) ) i had a lecture on Monday night that i missed 'cause Ben wasn't home from work in time, so I've got loads to catch up on :( Damn lifts!!!! lol
Tuesday's are killing me!! I don't see the kids all day!!!! :( I drop them off just after 8 and i don't get home till just gone 6 :( i hate it!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday was lovely, although Eryn was very clingy! Et went swimming and i took Eryn to the soft play centre while he was having his lesson. She loved it! It's the first time she's really actually enjoyed herself at one, and she didn't want to leave.
Today i had to do a stupid computer course at uni, and I'm in again tomorrow morning.... all this balancing everything lark is HARD!!!
Oh Ethan randomly announced he wants to become a vegetarian... i have no problem with this- i was one for 6 years.... but when i asked him if he actually knew what it meant he said no!! lol.... once i'd explained he soon went off the idea..... God knows where he got it from though!!!
This weeks topic, hmmm...... i don't think i've actually brought anything to keep them amused apart from the obvious playmats, gyms etc.... but i do let them play with things they probably shouldnt.... the kitchen drawers, glass photo frames, knives and forks, cameras, remotes, mobiles, and yesterday Eryn was playing with my hammer :S lol..... but it's all supervised if that makes any difference! lol.... oh i had a vibrator that was what i thought was well hidden.... Ethan always managed to find it!!!! (he was about 2 at the time lol) Bless 'em....
The pic is one of the ones we had taken.... i love it..... till next week..... xxxx
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
apologies for my missed week last week i felt like death and spent most of the day in bed or on the sofa and completely forgot to do my blog!!!
although i havent blogged for 2 week's i don't have an awful lot to talk about!!!
last week we didnt do that much cause i didnt feel that great for most of it!
we've started going to krazy kaves on a tuesday morning - with it being parent and toddler morning its a nice change from big kids bounding around, not that i complain about that cause taylor is normally the one bounding around haha!! its just nice not to have to follow fin's around he has a little bit of freedom!!
on saturday night we went to see jason manford at the guildhall. he really was hilarious!! havent laughed so much in ages, definately worth going to see!! after we went for a few drinks in guildhall, somewhere i havent been for nearly 2 years lol!! i felt so old! everyone looks about 15!! i'm only 24 myself but it made me feel ancient being out!! after we all drunk stupid amounts of alcohol we went for a curry. was a really good night!
you can probably imagine what i was like the day after haha!! i spent the whole day in bed, woke up at half 12, phil made me a fry up and i got back in bed - what a slob lol!! kids didnt come home from my parents until half 5 so i had a whole day to recover thank god!! dont no how people do that every weekend!
we didnt do anything monday, tuesday we went to krazy kaves again and today i havent really done anything!! i've just started doing avon so my mums friend - whos the area manager for portsmouth came and showed me whats what, i've been and given a few books out down my road and a few friends have one but i don't think i'll be one of the avon ladies who make a bomb lol!! none of my friends really seem interested so will just see how it goes!! (if any of you who are around the fratton area want an avon book let me know hahahhaa!!)
my 2 have had loads of dif baby gadgets
play mats - didnt like
play nests - taylor had one and loved it but grew out of it really quickly so didnt bother getting finley one cause he was even bigger lol
swings - neither liked theirs finley looked to screwed up cause it was like a little bucket seat and cause he was huge he didnt fit right!!!!!!!!
bouncy chairs - the both loved their chairs. i put taylors in the loft completely forgetting about it and when we were sorting the loft out we found it when finley was just born so he had that and loved it but i thought it was abit hard, so went and got him another one which he absolutely hated!!! so was a complete waste of money cause he went back to taylors old hard chair haha!!
finley had a bumbo for 3 weeks, cause his legs were so fat we had to push him down into it (this was at 3 months!!!) so he got frustrated with not being able to move his legs at all haha!!
they've had every baby toy going and didnt play with any of them. i've wasted so much money on trying to amuse them but nothing worked!!
now they both love wrestling and play with their wrestlers all day everyday!! least thats one thing in 6 years that they like and stick to!!!
i expect every parents the same and gets things they think looks nice and fun and the kids arent interested!!! wonder how much gets spent every year on unwanted things lol!!
anyway i cant write anymore finley is having a moan cause i'm totally ignoring him!!!!!
see ya :)
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Dino,Rain,wedding and a poorly doggy...


Those of you local to some of us 7mummies (Portsmouth) will know about the sad event that happened towards the end of last week.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Gadgets and Gizmos

Morning everyone! Another looooong week last week, must be the weather! I think where it gets dark so much earlier now it makes it feel alot later than it is so by about 8 o'clock I feel like I should be in bed! Likewise, when I wake up at 6am and it's pitch black I do not want to get out of bed!
So this week I've mostly been buying bits and bobs for my Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. I've picked up some lovely stuff really cheap, so much so that I ended up with too much to fit into two boxes so now I'm doing four! Now just to get them wrapped and packed. I'm arranging a packing party through Portsmouth Netmums so if anyone else is interested in joining our little venture please let me know!
Last week was also the first week of the MommyTube and it was fab to see everyone posting videos. If you like reading this blog you should definitely check it out, the link is in the sidebar. I do Mondays on that too and the other ladies are all great.
I loved Becki's '5 embarassing moments' theme last week but I really couldn't think of a single thing! Surely my kids have embarrassed the hell out of me at some point but my mind is totally blank! As for this weeks topic, it should have been Noeles this week but me being my usual useless self I forgot to ask! So this week I want to know what kinds of gadgets and gizmos you have bought to try to keep your little ones entertained.
I have tried just about everything going so far with Lucie. She has two playmats, a door bouncer, (although for her it's not so much a 'bouncer' as a swing as she is so little her legs don't come close to reaching the floor!) a bumbo, a rocking chair and a bouncy chair and I want to get her a baby walker! She likes to play on all of her things but gets bored easily and doesnt like being stuck in the same position for long. A combination like the one pictured above seems to work! In fact since I started writing this I have already moved her from my lap to her chair to the playmat and now to the bumbo. I think (or hope) that she will be much happier when she can sit alone for longer and maybe move around a little. I got a playnest from the car boot sale but one side was punctured! I think she'd like one of those so will have to keep my eye out!
When Brett and Courtney were little they had bouncy chairs, playmats, nests and then walkers later on, these days as long as they have a DS in their hand they are happy!
Have a great week :)
Sunday, 3 October 2010
3rd October - It's all about ME!!!!!!!!
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Poo Times Two
Friday, 1 October 2010
A tidy mind ...
I am drowning in a sea of mess.
I’ve had quite a lot of work these past few weeks (for a freelance writer, this is an enviable position to be in so I am not complaining).
But it does mean that housework has been relegated to well below the Top 50 household chores chart.
Providing food and cleaning clothing for the children comes top of the chart, of course, but everything else has pretty much taken a running jump.
After three weeks, I am overwhelmed by what needs to be done. I have managed to vacuum very quickly (the lounge), the kitchen remains just the right side of hygienic and the guinea pigs have been cleaned out every week. I have snatched a few minutes’ bathroom cleaning, too, but unfortunately it means the sink is clean one day; the loo the next and the shower screen the next.
Such haphazard approach means that NOTHING looks clean. Added to the fact that the children’s things seem to overtake each room, I feel despair.
But, the room in which I work is the absolute worse. The “study” is an appalling mishmash of books, technology and pieces of paper. As it is essentially the box room, there is no room to swing a kitten - never mind a cat.
In there, somewhere, is all the paperwork I need to fill in my tax return. But goodness knows where it is. I am in a slight panic now as I want to send off the paper version (rather than doing it online) in the next week.
Perhaps I should ask my son to don a hard hat complete with headlamp, burrow in and find it. Who knows what else he may find? A new species of monkey; Narnia ...
The children seem oblivious to it all, of course. When I ask them to tidy up their mess they look around, slightly confused. Is what I am seeing a mirage? Are those hair clips, bobbles, magazines, combs, discarded clothes really there> In the middle of the lounge? I do believe they are.
And what about the Tamagotchi, Toxic magazine, Go-Gos? Yes, i really do think I can see them.
So why can’t they? It drives me nuts, even though my threshold for mess is much higher than my husband’s!
Anyway, this weekend I will tackle it. I can’t promise a study of Zen-like calm, but I will try to rationalise and store away properly in a way that means I can access the things I need. If that doesn't happen it means I have unexpectedly discovered a hidden entrance to another world. See you next week (maybe!).