Monday, 6 September 2010

Like father like daughter...

Hi everyone..

Liz said on saturday about you know your a blogger when you find yourself wanting to make notes,or in my case needing to write in my diary what ive done daily and comments i want to make on our topics..Mainly because i had spent an hour a few weeks back trying to remember what i had been upto the previous week.My memory is getting worse with age lol.

Im not sure if anyone remembers but a month ago i adoped a 3rd cat who after 3 days escaped out of a window and there was no sight of him untill wednesday that was.Someone had found him and took him to the local vet.So off i went to collect him,i was unsure what to do with him,if he run off again it wouldnt be fair for the children who had already became attached to him .His previous owner has changed there number so i cant even send him home. Luckly so far he's been going out and coming back so far so good,and he seems to have taken a liking to Jaydon and sleeps with him at night which Jaydon loves.
Thurs we had to wait in for the day as i had someone coming from the warm front team to see if im elegable for loft instalaion-which i am :)
Friday was a lovely day we went to my mums in petersfield,my auntie who lives in London was down with her 3 children for a few days so they came over too.Mum has a hottub in her garden and the weather was so hot so all the kids had great fun having a splash about while we chatted and sunned ourselves.We dont get to see mum and her partner paul that offen so when he came home they offered for us to stay over and get a mac d's for the kids and a curry for was a lovely evening but i did end up rather drunk hehe!!
Saturday we went down town to get a few last min uniform bits but couldnt find anything apart from trousers for Jaydon so gave up and went back to Mr B's.
Sunday we went to asda to try and get the rest but again had nothing in Jaydons size.Mr B is the worst person to go shopping with,he just stands around huffing and puffing it drives me nuts.We went to materlan(that went down well-NOT) Thankfully they had what we needed but then Skye chose to start screaming and crying because she didnt want to wear her wrist strap or hold hands,she layed down in the middle of the car park and just screamed...Between Mr B being moody and Skye kicking off,i got back in the car and just wanted to cry.I managed to stop myself and then the rest of the day didnt turn out to bad after a couple of glasses of wine ;)
Yesterday was Jaydons 1st day at junior school and Skyes 1st morning back at preschool so it was lush to have a couple of hours me time!!

Liz wrote yesterday about mental health issues and her own struggles with them,i was lucky enough that i didnt suffer with PND or baby blues when having either of mine.Altho i did go through a belt of depression for a few months before i fell pregnant with Skye.We were having marriage problems, and i found myself in doors day in day out,hardly getting dressed unless i needed to go to the shop and that was a struggle in its self,and rarely doing the housework.My mum who had battled with depression for years dragged me to the doctors where i was given Anti depressents.I refused to take them... 1,because i saw my mums struggle to stop them after 10 years of being on them, and 2, i really didnt beleive i was depressed..It hasnt been untill this last year that i realise now how depressed i really was.I just couldnt or maybe refused to beleive it at the time. 4 days after that trip to the doctors i found out i was pregnant with Skye,not only was i thankfull i didnt start taking the tablets but focusing on my pregnancy was what pulled me out of the depression.
Altho i do suffer with anxiety.I struggle to be in a situation i cant get out of without looking stupid or letting someone down.Like a school show or a long que in the supermarket.The only thing that stops it is haveing a couple of drinks before...And if i had a couple of drinks everytime i had to face a situation that makes me anxious or have a panic attack i would be an alcoholic lol!!

Well i best crack on,ive a mountain of clean washing to put away.Have a good week guys x

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that Becki, I definitely know what you mean about not realising how depressed you were until you looked back on it later on. I get like that in supermarket queues too lol, by the time I get to the till I'm sweating somtimes with panic (probably because I'm dreading the amount its going to come to!!).

    Think we may be the only ones actually glad to have our kids back at school lol.

    Glad you got you cat back, fingers crossed for the kids he sticks around this time!

