Sunday, 19 September 2010

Hello - it's Sunday!

Its 8:40 in the morning and I am having an argument with my 3 ½ year old which sounds like a teenager rant about how she is not going to put her knickers on, we now have the tears and the flinging around and the weeping this I don’t mind so much it’s just the whining and shrieking at high pitch.  I’d like to think I am winning.  This hasn’t helped me this morning either as I have woken up from hardly sleeping a wink after watching about 30mins of Zombieland sorry Woody, I think you’re a great actor but I get scared so easily and had to switch off, paid the price and had a very disturbed nights sleep and work up with either stomach bug or suffering from dodgy prawn in my Chinese meal, all this before 9am on a Sunday must sound familiar to many of you too!
Anyway I should like to start my first blog with 7yummymummies by saying a big thanks to the ladies for letting me join in their blog and introduce myself ....  my name is Mummyrella and I am soon to be 39, redundant and have a non stop house full of mayhem and madness as can see from above.  We have two beautiful children our daughter who is 3 ½ [going on 13!] and our son who is 2 ½ [going on 59!] 2 cats [one who is neurotic and talks to me, the other one rules the house!] and one dog Poppy dog our border terrier who is just about surviving in the madness.
This year has been a major life changing experience for us [my husband and I] as we are currently going through the process of adopting our two and whilst everyday is a new experience for us it has been an eye opening experience for the past 3 years from the moment of making our decision to adopt to getting us to this day and still having to await for legal proceedings.  But like all of you reading this our life with two toddlers must be just the same.  We have climbed some huge mountains to get where we are today and there will no doubt be many more to climb in the future days, weeks, months and years!
So this week, let me see a fairly average week to start with, however has got slightly more stressful as the week went on, you see I’m not very good with medical things as I have been known to faint at the opticians [I just get very nervous – always have been] but daughter was due for her 2nd  set of immunisations and bless her she was so so good, I decided not to tell her until we got to the surgery and It had helped I think because earlier that morning we had to take our Poppy dog to the vets for her booster and we had all gone in together.  When we got to the doctors my daughter had asked was “mummy unwell” and I said no the nurse is going to give her some medicine a bit like Poppy Dog got this morning, “oh” she said “a needle” and went a little quiet and so I whipped out my bribe a Chocolate Hellokitty lollypop and the promise of McDonalds for lunch straight after, this she was very happy about but worried that her brother wouldn’t be coming as I managed to get him in nursery for a couple of hours so had one-2-one with her.  She was so brave and by the end lots of hugs and more hugs and two plasters one for each arm we kind of carried ourselves out of the surgery as I had gained a huge stress headache from the guilt of taking her and should I have told her beforehand, but it was over and whilst the pain from the event itself was still there in her little arms, I hope that I hadn’t scarred her from going to the doctors in future.
If anyone has Digital TV did anyone watch Discovery HD – Extreme Bodies on Dwarfism, I am in great awe at how people cope with their disabilities but when it went on to explain about bone extensions and showing the operation, that was enough for me as I explained above - not very good with medical stuff, so had to turn over, but the little girl who was a ¼ size of a normal 13 year old touched my heart and went out to her family. 
Saturday night we held a farewell / good luck party for our friend G who is going to University, I let the kids stay up a little later and we had Chinese and a cake with sparkly candles on them.  We wish G the very best of luck and I thank her for being a great help to me in the past 12 months, the kids adore you and we look forward to seeing you very very soon x
My son is a little super star and at only 2 ½ his bestest sentences this week have been
“ooooo mummy a big boys cup, am I a big boy now”
5:45am Thursday [through the monitor] “mummy I don’t want to wear a party hat!”
“look mummy, look at my hair bunchies!!!”
Hopelessly trying to potty/toilet train him but not pushing him, I find that as they are so close in age 355 days apart! They are both trying to do the same things at the same time a bit like having twins, I do see differences as my daughter is more aware of right and wrong and my son is just a little charmer with his long long eyelashes [what is it with boys with long lashes].
Signing off for now – hope you have enjoyed my week if you want to follow me further click to hope to see you next Sunday!
Have a good week all x

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a pretty manic day in the mummyrella household! Sundays are no day of rest with kids diont you agree?!!

    I'm the same with medical things on TV although I have been known to watch Embarrassing Bodies at times!

    My boy was an early speaker too and now at 7 everyone says talking to him is like talking to a little adult. Well done to your little man :)

