Friday, 30 July 2010

I will never forgive myself!!!!

Hiya lovely people

Well, what a week it has been.
Saturday was a lazy day really. I had a mystery shop in Fareham to do and we ended up spending soooo much money. Nice your going to get paid to do the mystry bit but no point if for example your going to spend £5.80 on parking alone!
Sinday was a good day. I baked a cake in the morning and in the afternoon we went to my nephews birthday party in Southampton. It was a picnic in the park. One with a public paddling pool and fountin. It was really nice there and was nice to catch up with the family.
Monday was a cleaning day. Top to botton totally scrubbed anything and everything. Looked great but by Tuesday it was a mess again. I cant even blame Will cos he was away till Wednesday night.
Tuesday was a really good day. Me and Oliver went to see Lisa and Princess Molly. We did a bit of shopping and got some real bargins in the Asda Baby Event.
I have been debating of a while now if I should start Oliver on baby rice. He had not been having his 2pm feed. He was totally refusing it which meant that he was going about 8 hours in between feeds. He was refusing water too and with it being hot at the beginning of the week I was getting really worried. I spoke to Will and he said he wanted to be there the first time he was going to be fed so I thought I would wait till Wednesday. Lisa has loaned Oliver the Bumbo to try until I can afford to get one. He loves it. He think it funny he can sit up and just smiles the whole time. Wednesday was another clearing up day cos Will was coming home. Nothing much happened apart from that. In th afternoon we gave Oliver some rice and he took to it straight away. I gave him just a tea spoonfull. I know people will say its way to early to give him rice but I didnt know what else to do. He liked it, he ate it and it meant he was having something inbetween that 8 hours. I have also been looking to get a new pushchair over the last few weeks as mine is broken. It wont lay flat which Oliver hates when he is asleep. Will let me order it Wednesday so I got all eacited.
Thursday was the worst day of my life and I will never forget it for as long as I live. The day started great with Lisa and Molly coming round. We had a nice lunch, fab cake and played with the babies. My sister dropped my nephews off for an hour whilst she got her nails done. We all made scones and had a great time. Everyone went home and Will came home from work. I called my Mum whilst I was feeding Oliver and Will was in the shower. I finished feeding Oliver and put him it the dip of the sofa and I went to start dinner. I was still on the phone to my Mum. All of a sudden I heard this almighty scream..... I ran into the lounge and Oliver was on the laminate floor!!! I threw the phone and picked him up and just held him sooooo tight. He just wouldnt stop screaming. I was panicing in tears, Will was trying to consile me and Oliver. We ran to the car and went straight to A&E. He seemed a little dazed in the car but had stopped crying. All his checks were fine and then waited 2 hours to see a Dr. She said all was fine but they have to report it to social services and they will be coming to see us. As much as she didnt mean to she made me feel like the worst Mum in the world. Oliver cant notmally get out the dip but now I guess he has started rolling he can roll out of it. Thank god he was totally unhurt and back to normal within an hour. I will never forget seeing him just laying there screaming. I dont think I will get rid of the guilt for a long time. I have been thinking about it all day today too and replaying it over and over again in my head. My eyes well up everytime I think about it too. Its when something like that happens that you realise the love you have for your child. As a first time Mummy I realised I have never and will never loved anything as much as I love Oliver.
Today was a much better day. Will went to get my Birthday present. Oliver told him what to get me from him. I have a very clever 3 month old! My pushchair finally arrived about 4pm which was very exciting. We went to Asda so I could try it out and get nappies and wipes too. I love it. Oliver hasnt had much stuff which it brand new so I was really chuffed we have managed to save for it. Oliver and us didnt wake up till 8.20am today so he missed a feed. I gave him rice today for breakfast which was gone in about 30 seconds. Im going to do it every other day. Just a very small amount. His other feeds have been ontime though so all is well there.
Im really looking forward to tomorrow. Its my 30th Birthday and our 1st wedding anniversary. Its a special day to cos its my first with Oliver.
I will tell you all about it next week then.

For now, Im off for a bath with Oliver and then will eventually get to cook dinner.

Enjoy your week everyone..... much love


  1. Oh noooo!! Dont worry you're not the first mum thats left a baby for two seconds only for them to end up on the floor!! Brett rolled off the sofa as a baby, Court rolled off the bed (she didnt even cry and when I went in the room I wondered where the hell she'd gone and she was juston the floor on her front all happy :-S!!) I've started leaving Lucie in her cot now rather than on my bed when Im getting ready - just in case!!
    Glad the rest of your week went well :) xxx

  2. i just wanted to say thats bradley has been on solids since 14 weeks as he wasnt taking his milk only 2 or 3 bottles a day, but hes alot better know he has 3 meals a day which hes been on since 4 months and im now starting him on the lumpy stuff, so dont worry about the food, if he likes it let him have it.
    Aslo big big big hugs for you, dont feel bad Bradley fell off the sofa too, its something that happens and i think most mums do it, we dont realise how quick our little bubas move.
    and dont worry about social servises, ur a good mum and they will see that :)

  3. I also just wanna make you feel a bit better about the solids thing... My daughter Freyja (now 16months old) was given solids when she was 15weeks old - I gave her baby rice (she HATED it) so she had rice pudding and custard & fruit. She is amazing, and eats anything I make for her. Don't worry about it - you've done the right thing! Remember, only you know what's best for your baby.
    Secondly - try not to feel guilty and the worst mum ever for having poor Oliver fall off the sofa. Seriously, it happens to us all. Freyja's had a number of big bumps - she fell over in her cot in her gro bag, and gave herself a mahoosive dented skull for an hour or two - that was horrible and I cried so much! It happens so try not to feel too bad :)

    Woo, that was my first comment! Hope you have a lovely weekend :) xx

  4. Heya hun
    Really just to say the same as the other girls. B was 8 weeks when having his first taste of foods and by 11 week was having 3-4 125g jars with his 3-4 bottles and J was 11 weeks eating the same amount, so don't worry about that. If they're hungry, they're hungry.Also about the falling don't panic, you are a great mum. My boys have fallen so many times and now they just laugh because I got used to not panicing and they know they're ok, it's the initial shock that has them crying all that time. The more you panic the more they stress. Lots of love for you today x x

  5. aw bless ya both, glad Oliver is ok.... if it makes you feel any better, Eryn fell off the sofa when she was 6wks old.... and when i took Ethan for his 6wk check at the docs i banged his head into the door frame of the doctor's room! :( and he was FOREVER purposefully falling off the sofa- it was obviously much more fun than climbing off like any normal child! lol xx
