Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Hi all in your new Miss Tuesday (actually a Mrs but miss sounds better lol)

So a little about me first...Im becki 26, mummy to Jaydon 7,Skye 3 and wifey to Jay.We've been married 6 yrs.Im a SAHM who doesnt drive,which i HATE!! Not being able to drive that is. being a SAHM i love..!!
So the summer hols is now here..6 whole weeks of bickering..how fab its going to be lol. Im not sure about you guys who have more then one child,but my 2 seem to have it in for each other, its like every day in my house is an episode of gavin and stacy when smithy and his sister rudie fight..(not as comical for me to watch)
I had a bit of a drama friday evening, i put the bath on then got chatting with the Mr and forgot about the bath..OOPS!! As i went running out the kitchen screaming "oh c***p the bath" i skidded across the kitchen floor spraining my ankle :( serves me right for keeping my flip flops on as my kitchen floor is ceramic titled and can be rather slippery when non grip shoes are worn.
I spent saturday morning at A&E,wheel chair.x-rays the lot..only to be told "yes Mrs Beckham a very bad sprain, but no crutches for you, we dont want you to walk on it for 3 days
Luckly now im able to walk altho with a slight limp,Jaydon and Skye found it rather funny and enjoyed calling me tigger when i was hopping from room to room.
So anyway back to the summer hols, my shopping bill has increased to make sure i have enough snacks in to keep them happy,I just hope the weather stays fine so we dont get stuck in with nowt to do!!

Im guessing my post is a tad late as someone has already posted in my place, but waiting untill the kids go to bed is soo much easier :)

Hope you all have a fab weekxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Lol Becks bet you were hopping mad!! Great first post :) xxx
