Saturday, 31 July 2010

Hey Mummies

Hey mummies, I’m Hannah, the new Saturday blogger. I’m 26, live in Milton, and have a b-e-a-utiful 16 month old daughter called Freyja. She was named after the Anglo Saxon goddess of love and magic and she’s positively awesome.

A little bit about me... I’m a bit daft (hopefully in a good way), which has made Freyja a bit daft (again, hopefully in a good way). I love most rock music, particularly heavy metal music (and I’m a sucker for cheese as well, much to James’ dismay). I love going to festivals and gigs whenever I can, as well as socialising with friends, reading crime thrillers and going to the cinema in my spare time (I love films!). I love anything purple (I paid extra to get a purple laptop :/, oops), eyeliner, tea and wispas (although I’m still trying to get rid of some of the baby belly, so dunking a wispa in my brew every time isn’t helping...). I have a phobia of puppets and marionettes, and my pet hate is cats eyes in the road (I shudder if I drive over them...odd, I know).

I’ve lived in Portsmouth for just under 7 years. I moved down here in 2003 for uni – I studied pharmacology (!) and graduated in 2007. I worked in the Deco in Southsea for a while, and realised Portsmouth is pretty good compared with where I originally come from – Stoke-on-Trent – not got much going for it, except some pretty good pottery and Alton Towers. So, I stayed here, and we have just bought our first house, so it looks like I’m staying for a little while longer J

I’m going to leave it there for this week – the grandparents-in-laws are visiting for the weekend, which will be nice so I need to get the house tidy for that. If I started going on about what else is going on in my life and my rantings about god knows what, I’d be here forever and you’d be thinking “where did she come from – why doesn’t she shut up?!” so until next time...

Hope you all have a lovely week :) xxx

Friday, 30 July 2010

I will never forgive myself!!!!

Hiya lovely people

Well, what a week it has been.
Saturday was a lazy day really. I had a mystery shop in Fareham to do and we ended up spending soooo much money. Nice your going to get paid to do the mystry bit but no point if for example your going to spend £5.80 on parking alone!
Sinday was a good day. I baked a cake in the morning and in the afternoon we went to my nephews birthday party in Southampton. It was a picnic in the park. One with a public paddling pool and fountin. It was really nice there and was nice to catch up with the family.
Monday was a cleaning day. Top to botton totally scrubbed anything and everything. Looked great but by Tuesday it was a mess again. I cant even blame Will cos he was away till Wednesday night.
Tuesday was a really good day. Me and Oliver went to see Lisa and Princess Molly. We did a bit of shopping and got some real bargins in the Asda Baby Event.
I have been debating of a while now if I should start Oliver on baby rice. He had not been having his 2pm feed. He was totally refusing it which meant that he was going about 8 hours in between feeds. He was refusing water too and with it being hot at the beginning of the week I was getting really worried. I spoke to Will and he said he wanted to be there the first time he was going to be fed so I thought I would wait till Wednesday. Lisa has loaned Oliver the Bumbo to try until I can afford to get one. He loves it. He think it funny he can sit up and just smiles the whole time. Wednesday was another clearing up day cos Will was coming home. Nothing much happened apart from that. In th afternoon we gave Oliver some rice and he took to it straight away. I gave him just a tea spoonfull. I know people will say its way to early to give him rice but I didnt know what else to do. He liked it, he ate it and it meant he was having something inbetween that 8 hours. I have also been looking to get a new pushchair over the last few weeks as mine is broken. It wont lay flat which Oliver hates when he is asleep. Will let me order it Wednesday so I got all eacited.
Thursday was the worst day of my life and I will never forget it for as long as I live. The day started great with Lisa and Molly coming round. We had a nice lunch, fab cake and played with the babies. My sister dropped my nephews off for an hour whilst she got her nails done. We all made scones and had a great time. Everyone went home and Will came home from work. I called my Mum whilst I was feeding Oliver and Will was in the shower. I finished feeding Oliver and put him it the dip of the sofa and I went to start dinner. I was still on the phone to my Mum. All of a sudden I heard this almighty scream..... I ran into the lounge and Oliver was on the laminate floor!!! I threw the phone and picked him up and just held him sooooo tight. He just wouldnt stop screaming. I was panicing in tears, Will was trying to consile me and Oliver. We ran to the car and went straight to A&E. He seemed a little dazed in the car but had stopped crying. All his checks were fine and then waited 2 hours to see a Dr. She said all was fine but they have to report it to social services and they will be coming to see us. As much as she didnt mean to she made me feel like the worst Mum in the world. Oliver cant notmally get out the dip but now I guess he has started rolling he can roll out of it. Thank god he was totally unhurt and back to normal within an hour. I will never forget seeing him just laying there screaming. I dont think I will get rid of the guilt for a long time. I have been thinking about it all day today too and replaying it over and over again in my head. My eyes well up everytime I think about it too. Its when something like that happens that you realise the love you have for your child. As a first time Mummy I realised I have never and will never loved anything as much as I love Oliver.
Today was a much better day. Will went to get my Birthday present. Oliver told him what to get me from him. I have a very clever 3 month old! My pushchair finally arrived about 4pm which was very exciting. We went to Asda so I could try it out and get nappies and wipes too. I love it. Oliver hasnt had much stuff which it brand new so I was really chuffed we have managed to save for it. Oliver and us didnt wake up till 8.20am today so he missed a feed. I gave him rice today for breakfast which was gone in about 30 seconds. Im going to do it every other day. Just a very small amount. His other feeds have been ontime though so all is well there.
Im really looking forward to tomorrow. Its my 30th Birthday and our 1st wedding anniversary. Its a special day to cos its my first with Oliver.
I will tell you all about it next week then.

For now, Im off for a bath with Oliver and then will eventually get to cook dinner.

Enjoy your week everyone..... much love

Thursday, 29 July 2010

argh panic...... so much for my grand plan!!!

Right, rant! I'm starting uni in sept(was supposed to start last year but i deferred because of the baby) I've always wanted to go to uni, and it seemed like a great idea, I was working in a school- which i hated but it made sense because i got the school holidays off so i figured, go to evening college to get some qualifications, then go to uni, do a degree and still get the hols off with Ethan. I assumed that a fulltime course would still be less hours than i was working (32) so i'd have more time at home etc... well, i've just spoken to the uni about the timetables for sept as i need to arrange childcare for both Ethan and Eryn, and apparently it's looking like i'll be there everyday- and that lectures can go on till 8pm!!!!!! 8pm!?!?!? im thinking about my bed by that time! argh...... the only thing they can confirm is that i wont be at uni on a wednesday afternoon, 'cause they dont teach then..... and i wont get my timetable till i start!!!!! how on earth are people supposed to get childcare sorted/ work part time etc if they dont know what they are doing until the day they actually start!!!?????!!!!! grrrrr...... well annoyed!!!!! rant over....

anyway, other than that..... after last weekends hetic goings on, ive been soooo knackered i havent wanted to do much. My dad tookm Et swimming on Tuesday and he actually managed to swim! :D i was sooooo proud, I've been trying to teach him since day dot, but he doesnt bloody listen to me (no change there then!) but he is really scared of my dad (dont really know why, he just is, and my dad is crap at the grandparenting lark- he's got 9 grandkids but doesnt know most of their names! just calls them all babes or mate!!! grrrr) But being scared of him does mean he will do what he's told when he's there so its helpful sometimes lol

Yesterday we went to baby group, EThan was less than impressed by the idea, but i told him the holiday cant just be about him, and he actually quite enjoyed himself :)
and today we had a trip to the Adventure playground and some kids from his school were there so he played with them.

Tonight I'm going out!!!! well, round to my friends house, so not really out.... but im really excited because i cant remember the last time i went round a friend's in the evening without the kids in tow!!! lol

And tomorrow night we're camping with Ben and his boys :) only the one night and only to Hayling, but it's a night away for us all :)

Right, till next week..... have fun xx

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Poorly baby :(

WOW is wednesday already it has gone so fast.

well to start off to tell ou how my family day went, it was reli good i reli enjoyed it, i did end up going in the microlite, and it was amazing the guy even let me fly it! although when i got on to the seat i put my harness on and it was a little lose, i aske him if i should tighten in and he replied oh dont worry it want stop you falling out any way :O then when we were flying i was like so how long have you been driving and hes replied shouldnt you of asked that back down on the ground lol luckily he had 15 years. we also had a free BBQ which was ok considering the army cooked it lol we also watch parachuters and i got to hold a barn owl lol bradley was pretty good considering it was boiling. We have brought bradley a pop up uv tent which can also be used as a travel cot, it came in handy as he didnt have to sit in the sun or in his pushchair.

sunday i didnt really do much i think we went food shopping

monday bradley had his head scan. When he was born he had a slightly large head, and the midwife told me to see my gp about it and then he refered me to the hospital which it then took them 6 months to see him, but at about 3 months he had grown in to his head lol and it was fine and i said to the HV do i still have to go as hes fine but they still insisted..... so any way we get to the hospital wait 2 hours, finally see the consaltant, who was shocked to see an baby who was sat up looking fine, she said why are you here for, so i explain and she took some measurements and then took some of dans head too and it turns out his head is just like his dads (fat) lol so there was nothing to worry about any way, she even said he was slightly forward for his age, my little clever clogs lol

tuesday i had to stay in all day and wait for a delivery for dan, he ordered a new jacket which is quit nice, think ill be nicking that haha

then today bradleys been a bit iffy, i thought he was wingy cuz of his teeth, but then i checked his temp and its high, so i have given him some calpol, then he had a bottle and puked up all over me, hes now sleeping, i hope its just a one off thing, other wise its off to the docs for us.

dont have anything planned for the rest of the week, was going to be going out saturday night but me being me sent off the only id i have so i am now going to the cinema if any one wants to come?
we also have our car mot on sunday, i dont think its gonna pass, dan had some one dive into the side of him and the insurance still hasnt been sorted out yet so i think it might fail cause the front light is slightly out, so if any one knows about mots feel free to put my mind at ease lol

any way i hope you girlies and babies are all ok and having a good week! :)

x x x x

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Hi all in your new Miss Tuesday (actually a Mrs but miss sounds better lol)

So a little about me first...Im becki 26, mummy to Jaydon 7,Skye 3 and wifey to Jay.We've been married 6 yrs.Im a SAHM who doesnt drive,which i HATE!! Not being able to drive that is. being a SAHM i love..!!
So the summer hols is now here..6 whole weeks of fab its going to be lol. Im not sure about you guys who have more then one child,but my 2 seem to have it in for each other, its like every day in my house is an episode of gavin and stacy when smithy and his sister rudie fight..(not as comical for me to watch)
I had a bit of a drama friday evening, i put the bath on then got chatting with the Mr and forgot about the bath..OOPS!! As i went running out the kitchen screaming "oh c***p the bath" i skidded across the kitchen floor spraining my ankle :( serves me right for keeping my flip flops on as my kitchen floor is ceramic titled and can be rather slippery when non grip shoes are worn.
I spent saturday morning at A&E,wheel chair.x-rays the lot..only to be told "yes Mrs Beckham a very bad sprain, but no crutches for you, we dont want you to walk on it for 3 days
Luckly now im able to walk altho with a slight limp,Jaydon and Skye found it rather funny and enjoyed calling me tigger when i was hopping from room to room.
So anyway back to the summer hols, my shopping bill has increased to make sure i have enough snacks in to keep them happy,I just hope the weather stays fine so we dont get stuck in with nowt to do!!

Im guessing my post is a tad late as someone has already posted in my place, but waiting untill the kids go to bed is soo much easier :)

Hope you all have a fab weekxxxxxxxxx

Monday, 26 July 2010

wow, my baby girl is one :S xx

cor, this is the 1st time I've sat down since Friday!! Friday was the first day of the summer hols for Ethan, and I really made the most of the morning by actually doing nothing! (we didnt even get dressed till gone midday!! lol) My cousin popped over with her youngest so I spent the moring having a good old catch up and playing with the kids. It was then a mad dash to Asda (which was HEAVING!!) to do a quick shop for the party stuff for saturday..... then my boyfriend's two boys came over, Et (Ethan) went to his dads and we set about the party preperations- lots of jelly and cake making, putting up banners etc. Stupidly I decided to have a 'couple' of drinks- er, didnt feel great Saturday morning!! But Ben took all the kids out for an hour so I could get the house ready and then the 'guests' arrived- it was only my two cousins and their kids, but it was suitably noisy and lots of fun- how Eryn managed to sleep through some of it i dont know- she doesnt sleep that well at night!! lol.... After the party we went up to Southampton (where Ben lives) for his parent's wedding anniversary party- 34 years they've been married!! I really admire people that can stay married like that- my marriage only lasted 5 MONTHS!! - very young and very stupid - that's my excuse anyway.... so yeah, bbq at Ben's aunt and uncles- I got to meet his cousins and their hubbys- and they got to meet Eryn which was lovely.... hmmmm re-reading that it must seem strange they've not met her before... it's a long story, and maybe once I get to know you a bit better i migfht explain it.... ;) lol. After that we went to Ben's parents for more celebrations, and I ended up rather drunk, dancing with his dad and singing to Take That with his mum.... Great night- altho another hangover on Sunday.... lol
Sunday afternoon we went to my Nan's as she was doing a little birthday tea for our princess- that was lovely, although my brother was, once again, being an arse to me.... the joys of teenagers eh??
And then this morning.... ohhhh, I still cannot believe my little miracle girl is ONE!!!! She woke up just after 6 and I took her into bed with me for a feed and a cuddle- she's come down with a cold and she fell back asleep till 8.30! She just had a really bemused look on her face when i took her down stairs and tried to get her to open her presents- she wasn't really interested to begin with, and wanted to play with something my mum got her and she'd opened yesterday, but then she (well I) unwrapped her main present- a rocking horse :D well, it's actually a unicorn, but it's beautiful and she loves it :) she got really excited and then wanted to play with everything. Bless her heart <3
We all went up to the longdown activity farm for the day, which was really lovely, and Eryn just kept saying DUCK all day long to the ducks and the chickens. She poked a baby chick in the eye and had her dress eaten by a goat and thoroughly enjoyed herself :) as did we all. The boys really enjoyed handlnig all the animals, and it wasn't too busy so we weren't rushed along.... it was bloody hot though!!
All in all a lovely weekend. I've had a few 'wobbly moments' today- getting way too emotional about Eryn turning one- it's the end of an era for me i think.... but a new one is just starting i suppose..... Little madame still won't walk more than a couple of steps- she can take 3 completely unaided and then when she realises what she's doing she freaks and still down to do the 'bum shuffle'It's highly amusing the way she gets around! People always comment on it, it started out like a half crawl half shuffle, but it's not either now, it's just, wel i dont know how to describe it- I just call it 'the Eryn' lol......
Right, that's it from me till Thursday.... that's my new day, have fun xx

The week went rather quick!

Well the week did go rather quick! Monday I was doing lots shopping! food shop unfortunately, lots of housework, lots of theory test practice, lots of everything really. When the mr got home from work we went for a drive, don't ask me where because I can't remember! lol. Tuesday I met with Naomi to get the bus to Krazy Kaves which was mad and very hot as usual! I don't think I went for a drive that day, we just relaxed, I did do lots of theory test practice again. I was filling in applications for part time jobs as well. Wednesday was my 21st birthday and the day didn't go well at all, my eldest decided terrible two's was going to hit hard! We went to a group up the road but was only there an hour as his tantrums were just unacceptable and horrible. We came home and went to the local shops to get a few bits, where the Mr met up with us during his lunch so I could run around all the shops with my CV and applications. Then we came home to more tantrums. We did manage to get a babysitter for the evening so we could go out. I drove us to have a chinese takeaway and we sat along the seafront to eat it, then we went for drinks, but I'm like an old woman, I drank just half of my drink! 21st and I barely touched alcohol...I prefer my cups of tea to be honest, so many things of the past has put me off drinking subconsciously that when I do go to drink I barely have 4 sips, lol. Anyway Thursday we were at FuzzyEd's and we saw the lovely Ellie and little Jacob and lovely Lucy and little Lola, who I hadn't seen in weeks! We had a good natter over a cuppa (us mums love to do that). I fell ill towards the evening and had to go to bed and be looked after! Friday was a lazy curl up day trying to rest with the boys running around, ha no chance, lol, the Mr came home early to look after me, but suggested we go for a drive so I did and felt loads better, my mind was taken off it. Saturday we went to a carboot and a long drive here there and everywhere, then we went down the seafront to watch the carnival! which was good but I've seen a lot better, more floats and acts. Anyway blog day, we were up at half 6, getting ready for a busy day visiting family for mine and the eldests birthdays. It was lovely to see them and we enjoyed the day, we didn't get home until 8 so it meant youngest went to bed straightaway and oldest stayed up to enjoy the chinese we had which he devoured rather quickly! So that was my week, not so exciting but its a mummies type of busy week! lol. Something really strange happened this morning at 3.40am, my eldest started crying, I thought I was dreaming it until I got nudged, I went into their room by which time youngest was crying too, and my eldest was stuck in the indented part of the wall which the youngests cot was blocking! How strange...anyway I let him out and he got straight into bed and went back to sleepn lol...told you it was strange! Anyway Sorry I posted a day late and that I rambled for now! x x

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Busy Busy!

Aloha, I realise there havent been any weekend posts, Noele has been super busy with the lovely Eryns 1st birthday celebrations, which I cant wait to hear about and I guess Lilli just forgot! I was supposed to swap days with Noele but I've been so busy myself this weekend that I just havent had the chance to post!

Anyway, as my laptop battery only has 20 minutes left on it I'm going to leave it at that for now but I have lots to share in my next entry!!

Bye bye for now xxx

Friday, 23 July 2010


Hellooooo, as this is my first post I will begin by telling you a little about me.

I'm married to Will. We got married on 31st July last year (my birthday) so were coming up to having our 1st anniversary soon.... ahhhh. We have a little boy called Oliver who was born 26th April. He is what my family call our "bonus baby" as I was told I would never have children. We were going to go through IVF but we never got that far thank god.
I cant remember what Life was like without Oliver and every day I wake up and cant wait to play with him. He has a smile to melt anyones heart and a proper belly giggle that will make you laugh for hours. Oliver has just started trying to roll over and he gets so frustrated with himself. He is such a good baby though.
He has always pretty much slept through the night. Up until he was 6 weeks old he would go to bed at 10pm and wake at 3 for a feed then sleep till 7am. Now he just sleep from 10pm till 7am. I have the dream baby and have a lot of respect for those who get up all night. I wouldn't be able to cope with such little sleep. Oliver really does take after me and Will!!!
Will works away a lot and I love the time when its just me and Oliver but now we are a real family and there are 3 of us. We make the most of the time we all have when we are together.

Starting this I thought would be a good idea to share not just the good but the bad aswell to get some things off my chest. When I was pregnant I had endless people coming up to me trying to touch my bump..... Piss off and leave me and my body alone. What makes people think they have the right to touch me. Well, it didn't stop there, when I had Oliver it got worse but people wanting to touch him. One lady in Morrisons came up and just kissed him..... I'm all for strangers passing comments and talking to him but a stranger just kissing him then walking off.... NO!!!

Moving more up to date with things, I'm going insane trying to get a new pushchair. The one we have was great for Oliver when he was first born but now its just to bloody heavy to be getting in and out the car all the time. And now the seat tilts down so much when he lays back his head is lower than his legs. Anyway, Will layed the law down yesterday and said we cant get one till we can pay for a new one and not 2nd hand and we have to save up for it. Where is the fun in that. Anyway, I know exactly the one I want and I WILL get it. Next Friday I'm allowed to order it.

I don't know how many people who read this are part of the group Netmums but you all should be. I have met some fantastic people there and it gets you out the house. I don't know what I would have done without it. Every Tuesday we do something. It was going to Krazy Kaves but with the 6 weeks holiday it's just to busy there so for next week I suggested may be a picnic in Southsea and if it rains then, well its just not allowed to rain cos there is no back up plan.
Oliver also insists he meets up with Molly (Lisa's beautiful baby girl) another day too. Normally a Thursday we all go for a walk in Gosport (where I live) or bake a cake or just let the babies play and we chat and eat scones...... hard life I know!

Well this week I started doing work for a mystery shopping company. Trust me but the first shop was the wrong one so had to go back and re do it. I have another 3 coming up too. I like doing it and gives me something to do and get paid for it... winners all round me thinks. I have One in Fareham tomorrow so watch out if your working there!!!

Its my birthday next Saturday and Will is getting me a new phone (I think) so cant wait for that. 30 years old..... I'm not getting any younger am I! Going to be weird being our anniversary on the same day. Cant believe its been nearly a year already. I have never been at this point where I'm so happy with life. I wouldn't change a thing... (apart from getting my new pushchair NOW)

Next week is going to be strange. Will is away Monday till Thursday again. Then again the house will stay tidy at least. Making cakes all week I expect. Seem to have a slight obsession with baking at the moment, keeps me in Will's good books though.

Well, I'm off to finish making my curry. Hope everyone has a good weekend .

Till next Friday.......


Thursday, 22 July 2010

And the madness begins......

Me again today.... I could rabbit on forever with what's been going on this week but I won't bore you with all the details!
I'm really struggling this week- I'm finding very difficult to come to terms with the fact my little miricle baby is going to be 1 on Monday..... and I know just how ridiculous that sounds, but, well, I'm just not ready for her not to be a baby anymore..... I was nearly in tears buying her birthday cards today..... plus the fact that her walking is really coming along- 3 steps on her own yesterday!!! I'm soooo proud, but know it marks an end of an era. She is the baby I was told I'd never have and I know being 1 doesn't change that, but it does mean she's not a baby..... I'm just being stupid I think. Anyways, we're having a funfilled wekend with 2 birthday parties, and then a trip to Manor farm on her actual birthday, so I'm kinda looking forward to that :)

Oh oh oh, Ethan broke up from school today :O 6 weeks off and I have absolutely nothing planned, except a vague idea of camping a couple of times- so if anyone has any (cheap) suggestions please please let me know. That's the problem with a big age gap, it's hard to find things to do to keep them both entertained

I've also been looking after my 'darling' brother this week, that's been, errr, great.... sense the sarcasm????.... he's 14 but a cocky little sod who spend the whole time insulting me and/or Eryn/Ethan, so I've decided I'm not having him tomorrow- he'll just have to stay home on his own for theday while my mum and step-dad are at work. My step-dad works in a school that breaks up tomorrow so it's only one day, and they won't look after my children so I refuse to feel guilty! lol.

oh I've got a question..... what age do you think it's acceptaable to leave your child with someone else overnight? Ethan was 16months, and I only left him because it was my wedding night!! My mum reckons Eryn is too young, and made me feel extremly guilty for wanting a night off..... she's only been sleeping through for a couple of months and I'm still breastfeeding, but surely I deserve a break every now and then? (like once a year!) I've only left her for one day when I was a bridesmaid- so about 16hours, and another day when I had food poisoning and my cousin looked after her for a couple of hours, and I suppose she is still quite dependant on me- but if I don't do it soon Ill probably never do it..... oh I don't know, but if you've got an opinion I'd love to hear it :D

Right, that's me about done I think, it will be a short post saturday 'cause we'll be realy busy, we'll I'll be crying celebrating my 'all grown up' girl's birthday.... lol xx

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Five little speckled frogs....

This is my firts blog, and thought i would do it now while Bradley was sleeping and I didnt have Dan reading over my sholder lol Im Naomi and I have a nearly 6 month old little boy, and I have been married a year in August, its gone sooooo fast, I cant believe so much has happened in a year. I am origanly from Plymouth but moved here because Dan is in the army and we got posted here, Im so glad I was able to meet you lovely ladies, I dont know what I would do else lol. well thats a little back ground about me.

Today I had a lady from the sure start centre come and talk to me about how to help Bradley to talk, like singing and things like that, and she gave me a cd with different nusery songs on and one of them was five little speckled frogs, which i remeber from when i was little, so thats my title for today lol she also gave me a leaflet with a group for dads which is on saturdays, i think Dan will like that, plus they get free bacon sarnies lol I also need to fill out my forms to change my address and name on my provisional so that I can do my theory test so that I can do my driving, I cant wait Im so excited lol Dan will then have to walk to work mwahhhaha lol

Bradley has a bit of a cold, Im hopeing hes not teething again, last time he had a cold 2 teeth came through, bless him.

Im quite looking forward to this week end as Dan has a family day at work, I have never been before so should be good fun, I might even go in a micra light, not sure yet as I dont reli like heights :/ but be good to meet the others too, hopefully the weather will be nice. I will let you know how it goes next week :)

Any way I have rabbited on , I hope you girls are all ok ?

oooo I would also like to wish Libby a HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Hmmm....Lost Cause?

Hey, its Liz again today, I havent heard from Sarah so I'm going to do a post just in case she forgets/cant be bothered/is busy, whatever!! As excited as everyone was with this idea last week when I brought it up, it seems a couple of the girls are a bit less enthusiastic now although maybe its because, as I said before, there have been some problems getting everyone registered and logged on. Well there are 7 of us, we should have predicted this!

Anyway, I've had a good day today, been to the Netmums meetup at Krazy Kaves with fellow 7yummys Lilli, Katie and Naomi along with a couple of other group regulars Lisa and Ainsley and newbie Miriam. Lucie was being particularly sociable for the first hour or so of the session and had a nice walk about with Lilli who she seemed to really like and then a cuddle with Naomi which she was less happy about but that was only because Naomi was sat down! She definitely prefers to walk about and be nosey! Lilli and Naomi took their boys on the big slide which I would of loved to have done with Lucie, only she was asleep and I was wearing a dress! Do I overuse my exclamation marks?!!!

I almost managed to offend Katie with an off the cuff rant about Next childrens clothing. I bought Lucie a lovely bundle of summer dresses from Ebay (every new mums nemesis) and I happened to notice the dress from that bundle I put her in today was from Next and I felt like a bit of a sheep. See, I have nothing against the clothes or the brand itself really but I just find not only does pretty much everyone when they become a parent decide to dress their children in Next clothing, but the majority of said parents seem to think this makes them kind of high and mighty. ITS A HIGH STREET STORE!!! So anyway, no offence to anyone who does dress their children in Next clothing, (including Katie lol, Oliver always looks gorgeous :D) even I like the odd spree in the Gunwharf outlet store. But if you want to brag about your choice of childrens clothing brands, choose one worth bragging about such as Catimini, Scotch and Soda or even Monsoon (all personal favorites of mine - sale section people!!) And dont even get me started on CLARKS SHOES!

I got Courtneys Foundation Stage profile today, she has done really well in her first year at school and is especially excelling in Maths, Science and Physical Development (PE pretty much!). It astounds me how well my clever clever kids do at school sometimes - they certainly dont get it from me! Brett is getting a special acheivement award on Thursday, he's not supposed to know about it but I accidently told him last week when I saw the letter...oops. I dont know what its for yet but he got one in year R for being kind and considerate and one in year 1 for his writing X-D. But going back to Courtneys report, it has pictures of different activities they've been doing all year and one science project was "what happens to an ice cube when its tied to a tree?"!! How random! I'm sure not alot would of happened if it was back in our ice-riddled January, but it probably wouldnt last long at the moment, its soooo hot!

I'm trying to remember doing any really random science projects when I was at school? If anybody has any please comment!!! Or just random school projects in general. Speaking of school I have a ten year reunion Saturday night! Well thats if I ever get around to asking my mum if she can babysit. Noele was in my year at school too but I'm not sure if she's going. Anyway should be fun, I think only 20 or so of us are going, just for a general meetup in a pub, but will be interesting to see how some people have changed... Speaking of which, I saw a girl in Krazy Kaves the other week who wasnt the nicest person in school but happily said hello to me (I wouldnt of even recognised her to be honest). I guess it goes to show how much people change and grow up.

So thats about all I have for today, madam will be waking up soon. Today is a great day to be a mum because I love meeting up with all my 'mummy' friends and lovely kids for coffee, chat and fun! And also because I have amazingly bright clever children :D So I guess thats two reasons!

Have a great week xxx

Monday, 19 July 2010

I've got two words for ya - 'Excuse Me!!!'

Hello there and welcome to the week :) We've got off to a fab start with Noele and Lillis weekend posts, although just getting everyone set up on the blog has been quite a mission and I'm still missing a couple of authors but with any luck it will all be sorted sometime this week!! I have alot to talk about this first week so I guess I'll get started!

I'm currently sitting watching High School Musical 3 with Courtney. She hasnt been very well so is home from school today. It started on Saturday, we had popped into town to get some shopping (obviously lol) and I decided to take the kids to McDonalds for tea as a treat. We were standing in the queue and one of the staff asked us to move to the end till where the girl serving was preparing the previous customers food and taking her bloody time about it! Anyway, I've looked up and poor Court is just throwing up all over the floor! I just looked on in shock as it came on so suddenly, there had been absoloutely no indication she was even feeling unwell. After a second of this thinking "Oh my God, what do I do?" I told a member of staff who went and got the mop and bucket while I quickly got Courtney into the disabled toilet, leaving a little trail of vomit on her way! Then after apologising my heart out to the poor girl cleaning up my daughters sick, rushed my little tribe out and home as quickly as I could! Those poor people that were eating their dinners lol, at least it was by the tills in the corner and not in the middle of the restaurant it did pong!!

Court was sick a few more times at home, mostly in a bowl but I did have to change her bed sheets twice! My poor washing machine was going non-stop. Then Sunday she seemed fine, she had some toast for breakfast and even a McDonalds later on, (Stews idea not mine!) but this morning she was sick again and as the school has a 24 hour sickness policy I thought it best to keep her home. She seems OK now, but we'll see how she goes...

As I said, there had been no signs of her being unwell that day, some members of the local council had a gazebo set up on the green where we live with face painting and a colouring competition for the kids so we went along to that. Brett had his face painted as some kind of green monster thing and Courtney had a pretty glittery butterfly. They each got given a balloon and a cup of sweeties too :). While I was there I was talking to another parent and this is one of the things I wanted to bring up today as whenever I talk to this particular person (or rather get talked at) I get the feeling that they are not at all interested in anything I have to say, so much so that they actually cut me off mid-sentence and totally change the subject!! I was talking about this with my sister when she popped round Saturday night and was like OMG its not only just ridiculously rude, but its like "if you dont want to listen to what I have to say, dont talk to me!!" Our dad does it too, our own dad of all people! I think it especially bothers me as when I did the Homestart course a couple of years back we did a whole session on listening and there were points like 'you are not listening to me if you are already thinking of your repsonse when I'm talking' and 'you are not listening if you jump in with your own experiences'. Even now when I'm having a conversation with someone I'm always aware of those points (there were lots more like them) and I do try really hard to listen to people when they talk as I know all too well what its like to be ignored. It did make me laugh when I was telling my sister this though and she kept interrupting on purpose purely to wind me up - cow lol.

Well I'd better go as Lucie is filling her nappy as we speak and I've driveled on for long enough. Please feel free to comment on anything I've talked about today, I'd especially like to hear peoples opinions on the listening subject. I did have more to write about but that can wait for next week I think!!

Today is a great day to be a mum because I'm sat on the sofa having a Disney marathon with my two gorgeous girlies :)

Have a great week, look forward to hearing from Sarah tomorrow xxx

Sunday, 18 July 2010


My name is Lili, I have 2 boys, one is 2 this month and one is 1. 

The next couple of months are going to be hectic, as I will be starting college, taking theory test and learning to drive, and even maybe part time working in the evenings, as well as being the netmums chairmum of the area. Like Noelle says heavy workload! 

I have recently (yesterday) got my car and have been out learning in it, my wonderful partner is thankfully very patient with me. My 2 boys were also very patient where as usually my eldest will call out my name 100,000 times just to let me know what he is seeing - bless him!

Unfortunately I cannot write a lot this evening because I have been sooo busy, so I will be well prepared for next weeks update! 

Must say goodbye now and sign off, feels like I haven't sat down all day (since 7.30pm to do my theory - lol)

Night all xxx

Hi all,

My name is Noele, although most people call me Nolly and I’m mummy to two little darlings, ;) Ethan, who’s 6 and Eryn who is very nearly 1. I’m currently a stay at home mum, but I’m starting university in September- so life is gonna change quite a lot for all of us! I’m dreading putting Eryn into childcare, and I’m really concerned about the work load- but at the same time I’m sooo looking forward to having some ‘me time’ (albeit in a lecture hall full of 100 other students!) and being Noele/Nolly instead of just mummy all the time......

We've had a hetic weekend so far, my boyfriend's other two children are here for the weekend, Josh who's nearly 8 and Harry who is 4, and last night I babysat my two nieces too, so I had a house full of 6 children- fine if you're used to it- but well, I'm not!! We all had a lovely time, but I quickly learned that putting toppings for icecreams in the middle of the table for them to do their own just ends in a bit sticky mess! Then I had a wake up call of 'Auntie Nolly, Auntie Nolly' from my youngest niece (3) at 3.40am 'cause she'd thrown up- in my bed, and all over her and her sister's duvets.....nice.....(why is it that kids are always sick or wet the bed when they're away from home????) I'd just got back to sleep after sorting her out and then the baby woke up at 5am.... and the other 5 descended on my sleeping place (blow up bed on the frontroom floor) half hour later..... needless to say it's been a long day!!

After lunch me, Eryn and the boys went down to Portsmouth Museum to see the Alien Exhibition, which was great, a bit small but it's free so ya cant complain too much :) and then had a stroll down to the seafront, followed by 2 hours in the park :) Fish and chip supper, followed by the four kids flaking one by one..... although the boys are currently playing Hungry Hippos in their room rather than sleeping- where they get their energy from is beyond me, but I could certainly do with some of it!

Off to the Royal Armouries tomorrow- again, a free day out..... :) xx

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Hello and Welcome!!!

Welcome to 7yummymummies, the name really says it all, 7 of us, 7 days in a week, 7 fun filled blogs and/or videos EACH WEEK all about not only the joys of motherhood, but also life in general!

I'm Liz, I will be imparting my wisdom on a Monday and the rest of the week our lineup is Sarah on Tuesday, Naomi on Wednesday, Rochann on Thursday, Katie on Friday, Noele on Saturday and Lilli on Sunday. I am mum to three wonderful children (can anyone say cliche?!!) Brett age 7, Courtney age 5 and little Lucie who is three months :) and look forward to sharing our stories with you, be they happy, sad and sometimes pretty darn gross!

I wanted to start this as I love online vlogs like 5awesome girls, charlieissocoollike, nerimon, 5awesomegays and the like and so was inspired to get together a group of ubercool fellow mummies and do the same sort of thing (ok I admit the blatant bandwagonning) with the slight difference being that this is mostly going to be a written blog. I myself intent to upload videos as well and what each member chooses to do each week is purely personal preference!

So on behalf of myself and the other girls, we hope you enjoy reading our blog, please feel free to leave comments and recommend 7yummymummies to friends and family.

Today is a great day to be a mum because... I get to make cool pages like this!!! (Please ladies include this sentence somewhere in your post and end it however you like, sort of an ongoing theme!)

Noele, we look forward to hearing from you tomorrow :D
