Thursday, 11 November 2010

hi ladies.....

Hope you're all doing well..... bit concerned about the lack of posts? can someone please let me know what's going on???

Anyways, busy week as always.... Friday night Ben had bought some fireworks, but as our garden is more like a yard we decided to descend on his mum and dads to borrow their garden... well, he'd spent a fortune (£52 to be exact) on what was literally going up in a puff of smoke. I was not amused!! £52!!!!! and they were proper crap!!! well, what i saw of them! Eryn was absolutely terrified so i only got to see about 5 before i spent the rest of the evening consoling her. :(
Saturday i was, if I'm honest, absolutely dreading, Ben was on call all weekend and i was expecting to be left with the kids (and a mountain of uni work to do) but thankfully he didn't get called out. so we went round my mums for a quick cuppa (I'd phoned her to ask what my step dad wants for his birthday and then suggested we popped round) I'd warned her it was all of us.... anyway, we turned up and she said 'Oh, i didn't think u meant all of u all of u!!!' Shes really not a child person, in fact she recently told me if she had her life again she probably wouldn't bother having children..... errrr, yeah THANKS for that Mother....
After the very quick cup of tea (she couldn't wait to get us out the door!) we went to Staunton Country Park. £50 for a years membership for Ben, me and up to 5 kids- bargain! Obviously Ethan has been there loads (we had memberships before) but Josh and Harry hadn't been and they all had a great time :) Eryn appears to have developed a fear of animals though, crying when we got too close to them :(
After that we went on a massive shop and were completely knackered by the time we got home.
Sunday morning Ben got called out and i took the kids shopping for his xmas pressie from them.... cor u can tell they're his kids- talk about wanting him to have the very best :S but we pretty much nailed it so that's one thing out the way. Sunday afternoon we took a trip to Garson garden Centre on the way to drop the boys home. It was CHRISTMAS in there!! :D picked up a couple of pressies and the kids loved all the decorations (and so did I ;) )
Monday was, well wet! i got absolutely soaked taking Ethan to school, and Eryn, the only dry one kept shouting 'WET, WET' from her pushchair.
Tuesday was the long day at uni, very boring and depressing. My cousin and i were late and well one bit of rain and the whole of Portsmouth comes to a complete standstill!! Grrrr
Ethan's swimming lessons have come to an end so he's now gonig to the local pool on a Wednesday so it much more convenient :)
yesterday Eryn and i went to Tesco's to double up our clud card points.... i was expecting to spend about £50 in there and £50 on diesel (however much i love hank the tank, we go through a lot of diesel!) but instead i ended up with £2 change from £175.... hmmmm, not so good. But I did pick up yet more xmas stuff..... we then had a quiet afternoon at home which was lovely, quality time with my princess :D Last night when we were sorting through the xmas presesnts which i've stratigically placed on top of our wardrobes, the wardrobe collapsed, hitting Ben on the head! highly amusing (he was ok) so he's off to buy one today.... oh the excitement! lol
And today i popped round to my cosins to see her and the baby, he's got soooo big already! and we're having him overnight in a few weeks which i'm very excited about! :D
oh, Ethan is (hopefully, as long as he likes it!) joining the Beavers!! i think he'll love it and thrive there. He's starting next Friday and is soooo looking forward to it.

Right, i think that's me pretty much done... hope everyone is well


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