Sunday, 21 November 2010

A bit of a week

I know I shouldn’t complain – but I’m so tired, my energy levels are low and I’m just starting to get a little twitchy over the forthcoming festivities.  This could be due to a number of things including the combination of getting over last week’s medical episode, a stinky cold and having to look after kids and work from home at the same time due to childminder being ill.  Bless her she is an absolute godsend but when my family support network is far far away life can be a bit of a struggle if mummyrella’s life balance is upset!

Also darling son for the past week has decided he wants to come and cuddle with us around 2 am every night and so last night I took matters into my own hands and put him back in his sleeping grow bag – result! He didn’t come shuffling in to us until around 6:30am so a fairly good lie in if I do say so myself.

That was written about 2 hours ago and now back from a brisk autumnal walk I have found new energy! Kids on the other hand are fast asleep on sofa’s I have worn them out, we did at least one miles walk through the countryside walking through muddy puddles peppa would be proud of and across fields and through the trees playing hide and seek along the way.  It got tough on the last stage as son being only 2 ½ had to have a piggy back, but really pleased with the result. 

Got a chicken in the oven cooking lovely and will go and do potatoes once finished this. Also trying to tackle the Christmas present crisis – don’t know if facebook helps me in this arena as getting a bit prickly hearing how many of my friends have “finished the big shop” eeeeeeeeeggggggggggggghhhhhhh I will get it done but am having to book a couple of days off to go and blitz it.

I hope all my fellow yummymummies are well as bit concerned about their silence – lets hope they are all ok and look forward to hearing from them soon.

The other big news this week is the up and coming Royal Wedding – oh I do like a good wedding and yes I think I am a bit of a Royalist – I found my paper clippings from 1981 I was 10 years old!!!!!

So this time I was thinking it would be a lovely time to celebrate with my children and I’ve decided I’m going to try and hold a street party! Haven’t asked the neighbours or friends yet but once William and Kate and set the date I will start my planning.  I do have one other big concern in that I hope it is not on the 25th June as I am attending Cybermummy11! – awaiting for the badge to link you all to it but you can also get there from

My darling son’s latest comment at the dinner table last night – Mummy you’re not fat, Daddy you are fat and I will be fat just like you!!!! – where did that one come from? Answers on a postcard! Have a fun week x


  1. You lucky bugger, attending Cybermummy! I'd love to go to that!! x
