Sunday, 30 January 2011

Will he be expelled from Nursery??!!

Well that was a busy week – Final assignment completed and sent off, redundancy finally announced looks like 31st March will be the final day as a Civil Servant. Kids had a pretty much full on week and I finished framing my photos for my first exhibition!

However, I will now back track and focus on KIDS! And Nursery!  I went to pick them up from Nursery on Thursday, son was making a bit of a fuss not wanting to put coat on, saying “No” and walking off, squirming and being a very tired little boy.  Nursery deputy then enquired “is he like this alot at home?” “Yes” I said you know typical man not wanting to do what I want him do.  Then there was a response from her “Yes, he is starting to be like this with us too” OMG what do I say panic stations umm well I’m sure it’s the terrible twos” Nursery Deputy “So what do you do when he is like this” quick think what do I do “I sit him on the step or put him in the corner” I reply.  She continues to say that they are also taking him out of the situation getting him to calm down and listen to what is being asked of him.

Thoughts start to race around my head; are they thinking – I’m a bad mummy, she can’t control her son,  oh no will I have to take him out, will he be expelled? Can a nearly 3 year old actually be expelled? What’s he going to be like when he gets to school?  BUT then I stop and think NOOOOOOOOOOOOO he is 2 years and 9months, he is a boy exploring and he does tend to get over exited about things.  So when we get home, Hubby and I both feel bad so we tried to layout it out how it was – “Son and Daughter if you are naughty at Nursery and don’t listen then Nursery might not want you back to play with them again”   We kept reiterating it over the weekend when they did little naughty things or didn’t listen and explained if they were very naughty their childminder would not want to see them either.  I feel bad doing it but until I can think of other ideas – I know its bribing but should we be bribing with rewards making it sound more positive?

Hope you all have a good week


  1. Try gold stars - either buy a star chart felt ones are £30 though - or just a notebook and some stickers.
    We used it for potty training and it worked well. Might work here in return for a day when his teachers can tell you he's been a good boy. IF necessary he could have a reward after a certain number of stars but would avoid this if poss.
    I'm sure the nursery were just asking if you had a good strategy for dealing wiht him so they could apply it themselves! It's so easy to feel you are being judged though. Good luck

  2. oooo thanks Not a Notting Hill Mum - will look into your suggestions and thanks for the kind words of support!
