Sunday, 16 January 2011

And then the weekend arrived aaarrrrggghhh

What to tell you this week. 
Well this is the first week of nearly the rest of my life!! Redundancy is imminent we should hear tomorrow that we can apply for Voluntary if we so wish – of course the incentive to take this is an ok offer and it gets the GOVERNMENT out of saying “so we only made this number redundant the rest well they chose to make themselves jobless”, I am NOT HAPPY as daughter would say when I tell her “no” she often replies “mummy I’m not happy” and stomps her foot to the ground with her bottom lip nearly there as well.

So some of you will have been following me on twitter and seen that I have posed a question – should I look for something adventurous like opening an internet cafe for mummies with soft play area for their darlings or look for another pen-pushing job.  Most came back with the latter and as it has it I am due to meet with some Business advisers you never know what could be on the horizon.

Anyway back to family life this week – It went WELL AGAIN, it went really REALLY WELL, it was too good to be true, and then the weekend came upon us and our boundaries were tried to the very edge of parenthood.  Crying, arguing, not sleeping through the night, waking up in bad moods, breaking things like Daddies laptop, destroying the roller blinds in the bedroom and the general moans and groans of not wanting to do what we the parents would like them to do.  As the weekend progressed and Sunday was a pretty low day, little son it transpired had come out in a cold, with snot and sneezes, runny eyes and general sniffles all day.  So bedtime has arrived and gone and paracetamol, karvol rub and warm milk has been administered as well as a nice warm bath, a read in bed and a final cuddle goodnight and all we can hear over the monitor is snotty bubbly breathing, let’s hope it is a good long night’s sleep.

Hope all my fellow 7yummymummies are well.
Mummyrella xx


  1. Being a Mom is not for the faint of heart! Sorry your weekend was so rough! The cupcakes will help!

  2. Hi Jenny - cupcakes went down a treat thanks x
