Haven’t thought of a title!
Quite a productive week this week despite the weather! – Last year during the bad weather we decided to invest in an old Land Rover Discovery, not too old but of sound structure and body work, this year we invested in some Mud n Snow tyres and way hay away I go! I was off in the snow for operation Christmas Present Hunt. I didn’t realise until I got home how much I had actually managed to buy, just that I had very sore hands from carrying it all – as usually I would of had the buggy. I was also very late going to bed that night as I started to wrap as well – a first for me I can tell you.
I am very lucky in my job for the time that I have left [soon to be made redundant thanks to our No 1 – the PM] in that I am able to carry on working from home, so that part of my week was the usual meeting deadlines and keeping on top of things.
I brushed off that Daughter didn’t want to go to Nursery on Thursday as – “oh never mind then, but let’s get dressed and see where we end up”, and there she was waving energetically to me with the biggest smile I’ve seen for a long way from the Nursery window happy to go and play with all her friends. And when I arrived to pick them both up I was introduced to the amazing world of Glitter and how does that actually get in your nappy again Son I ask when it comes to bathtime.
Its now Sunday night – [just about] and the kids social diary is filling up fast – 2 parties today the first a Village Christmas Party for the kids unfortunately we missed Father Christmas so pressies should be in the Village Interest Shop tomorrow. This party was followed by a Birthday Party in Kings Lynn at the local soft play area – fun was had by all and I was particularly proud of daughter as she came and told me that someone had “weeed” in the upstairs part, I checked her clothes before telling staff that it was definitely not my child who had done it. Fun was then had by watching the teenage staff trying to climb up the slide with five children following to see what was occurring! 2 more Birthday Parties to go before Christmas, plus Panto and Village Coffee Morning, shopping, working, coursework and eating, sleeping!!!! I am never bored nowadays!!!!!!
So the first reason why this post is so late is I have just completed my first assignment for my course 1250 words yeyhay!! Just a few words over, but I’m quite surprised how I feel considering I was up until 1am this morning in mid flow to be told by husband – “you know you will start to make mistakes” I had been sitting at the kitchen table since 7:30pm. I have read it and re-read and submitted it – no going back now!
The second reason this is so late is due to my secretarial skills, husband has interview in the morning and is not aux faux with Powerpoint and producing slides, so after submitting essay, designing flow charts and inserting photos into said slides my wrists are not feeling part of my hands of arms anymore – they are somewhere floating in mid air typing this piece, so can just about sign off and say goodnight, I have to say I’m guilty of not reading Hanzors today from yesterday – Big Sorry Hanzor! Will try and catch up with it tomorrow on my coffee break at work! And lastly to say I have added more technology to my world – I can now twitter from my mobile! @mummyrella – think that is the correct way to write it! Have a good week all. Mummyrella x
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