Sunday, 12 December 2010

Tis the season - nearly there now!

Busy Busy again and managing to get round the snow and ice – although we still have a little bit left on the field! 

Kids started the week with a snotty cold, before I had my kids I used to be Brown Owl to 30 little girls aged 7-10 and one thing I could not stand was snotty nosed children, and now have my own – I still can’t stand the sight! As soon as one of them sneezes I’m like a woman possessed – “who sneezed, who was it? Have you got a runny nose?” and I’m there with the tissues – If I’m driving – well I just don’t know how I manage until I can turn round and wipe it!

They have been brave little soldiers though – as I have tried to carry on – dosed up with a bit of calpol and that seems to have kept them going, although very very tired after their two days at nursery and as husband was on call and not coming home till late – tea time and bath and bed time was a huge struggle, the noise that two very children make when so tired is unbelievable I just didn’t realise, but we got there!

Friday was a day to try and relax but get things done and we delivered 4 bags of clothes that I have been holding onto “just in case I put the weight back on” to age uk, and finding a bulb for the oven light.  

Saturday has been the best day by far – we got to go to the zoo, see Father Christmas and watch the Pantomime all within 5 hours!

We went to Colchester Zoo to celebrate my friends little girls 3rd Birthday and whilst it was still only about six degrees, the kids had fun running around seeing all the different animals.  The kids were playing in the play area and this [approximately] 8-9 year old boy decided to belch just as I past him and even though his mother was there I still said very loudly “I beg your pardon” He and I was so shocked when I said it, I think I just went into mummy mode!

We stayed the night at my mum’s as I didn’t fancy the 2 hour drive home in the dark and it was just an hour to hers – the plan was to bring her back for last minute Christmas shopping, but she had a little trip down the stairs and needed to rest so I’m going on my own to the outlet centre Springfields in Spalding so should get a few bargains.

We arrived home Sunday afternoon to husband putting last minute touches to our outside light decorations – we just have the rope lights showing the outline of the house – which looks really pretty as we only have one street light down the road and so it looks all sparkly and festive.  Inside decorations will go up next weekend and hopefully there will be a tree left somewhere for us to purchase – I like the smell of a real one!

Kids have their first Nativity Play this week, which I’m sure will be a tear jerker, we have been learning the songs, no lines and no costumes to make!

Have a good week all and  happy shopping!

Thursday, 9 December 2010

too much to do!!

hi mummies,
sorry I've not posted for the last couple of weeks, but well, super super busy as usual!
I have finished my Christmas shopping!!! well, I'm at the point where if it's not been bought it's not going to be!! ;) nah, we've pretty much nailed the kids Xmas lists (much to my dismay) and we've spent a FORTUNE! :( next year, it will be different!!!! I'm allowing it this year as it's our first Xmas altogether :) and for a bar-humbug like me it's amazing, because for the first time, EVER, I'm actually really excited about December 25th..... not sure when my loathing began, but i always disliked the run up to Xmas as a child because of my name.... lol
I've wrapped about 120 presents, and ive still got about 3 more to do, which i keep putting off! lol..... decorations are up, four advent calenders hung on the wall (plus 4 cardboard ones) altho i didn't even think of getting one for Ben or myself.... oh well, always next year!
So, what's been happening?? snowed under with uni work as per usual, although our tutor group report got a 2:1!!!! we were all sooooo happy, and it's kicked me up the bum to carry on--- altho I'm now panicking because I've set myself a standard.... hmmmm

Kids are doing great, Eryn starts her new uni in Jan, and altho she's turning into a right little madam, she's being super-cute at the same time. She's at the point where she knows what she wants but cant communicate it, so throws a wobbly instead :S She had an appointment at the hospital 'cause the health visitor thought she had clicky hips, she was soooo brave (braver than me) when she went for the x-ray. All came back clear (which means that i was right to think she was just weird when she used to scoot around on her bum in a half shuffle half crawl fashion) so that was a great relief!

Ethan was Joseph in the school play, bless him..... he was soooo miserable! lol, but just soooo Ethan! He very much enjoyed the snow (unlike me, i hate that too!) and is having a fab time at swimming and Beavers :D

Josh and Harry are good too, Josh is also Joseph in his school nativity.... and Harry is an alien.... not quite sure how that's Incorporated into the story of Xmas, but I'm hoping to hear all about it after Ben sees it next week :)

They've been hard work recently (all of them I mean) don't know why, but very much hoping things will settle down soon!!

Our beloved 'Hank the Tank' broke down on Sunday, in bloody Bournemouth of all places! so we had to get my cousin's other half to rescue Ben (thankfully me and the kids were at home) and well, he was gone most of the day and all evening :( hoping to have the car back today though, it's too cold to be walking miles everyday! Lucky we got a warranty when we bought it so we don't have to pay for the repair!

We went to see Jack and the Beanstalk at the Kings last night. It was the first time Josh and Harry had been to a panto and we all had a fabulous time! We were offered the chance for one of the boys to go on stage at the end but none of them wanted to do it :'( and i was too old apparently :( lol

Oh we babysat my 'nephew' on Saturday night! it was soooo weird having a tiny 6 week old baby to cuddle.... and i did cuddle him, ALL NIGHT because every time i put him down he screamed! (his mum assured me he sleeps through! lol) I loved having him, but it did make me wonder how i coped alone when Eryn was tiny.... just goes to show that no matter what, you just get on with it... and how quickly you forget... And it was amazing to see Ben with him! He was absolutely loving it! Baby was asleep in his pram in the front room with us from 7-10 and Ben was up every 5 mins checking on him! and then he offered to feed him, and hold him- even at 4.30am..... Made me realise what i missed out on from not having him around when Eryn was born.... the wonders of hindsight eh?

But Ben has his very own baby now! Reggie the Rabbit.... Reggie the house rabbit.... during Ben's week off he decided to get a rabbit, i agreed as long as he takes full responsibility for it (i know, i sound like a mum! lol) I have to admit, he is very cute, and he's got an indoor cage and we only let him out in the evenings.... so kind of a house rabbit, but if Ben's happy I'm happy.... lol

Right, that's about it from me, im supposed to be finishing my report on Pedestrian Behaviour.... oh the joys....
Hope every one's ok! xx

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Haven't thought of a title - no time Nowadays!

Haven’t thought of a title!

Quite a productive week this week despite the weather! – Last year during the bad weather we decided to invest in an old Land Rover Discovery, not too old but of sound structure and body work, this year we invested in some Mud n Snow tyres and way hay away I go! I was off in the snow for operation Christmas Present Hunt.  I didn’t realise until I got home how much I had actually managed to buy, just that I had very sore hands from carrying it all – as usually I would of had the buggy. I was also very late going to bed that night as I started to wrap as well – a first for me I can tell you.

I am very lucky in my job for the time that I have left [soon to be made redundant thanks to our No 1 – the PM] in that I am able to carry on working from home, so that part of my week was the usual meeting deadlines and keeping on top of things. 

I brushed off that Daughter didn’t want to go to Nursery on Thursday as – “oh never mind then, but let’s get dressed and see where we end up”, and there she was waving energetically to me with the biggest smile I’ve seen for a long way from the Nursery window happy to go and play with all her friends. And when I arrived to pick them both up I was introduced to the amazing world of Glitter and how does that actually get in your nappy again Son I ask when it comes to bathtime.

Its now Sunday night – [just about] and the kids social diary is filling up fast – 2 parties today the first a Village Christmas Party for the kids unfortunately we missed Father Christmas so pressies should be in the Village Interest Shop tomorrow. This party was followed by a Birthday Party in Kings Lynn at the local soft play area – fun was had by all and I was particularly proud of daughter as she came and told me that someone had “weeed” in the upstairs part, I checked her clothes before telling staff that it was definitely not my child who had done it.  Fun was then had by watching the teenage staff trying to climb up the slide with five children following to see what was occurring! 2 more Birthday Parties to go before Christmas, plus Panto and Village Coffee Morning, shopping, working, coursework and eating, sleeping!!!! I am never bored nowadays!!!!!!

So the first reason why this post is so late is I have just completed my first assignment for my course 1250 words yeyhay!! Just a few words over, but I’m quite surprised how I feel considering I was up until 1am this morning in mid flow to be told by husband – “you know you will start to make mistakes” I had been sitting at the kitchen table since 7:30pm.  I have read it and re-read and submitted it – no going back now!

The second reason this is so late is due to my secretarial skills, husband has interview in the morning and is not aux faux with Powerpoint and producing slides, so after submitting essay, designing flow charts and inserting photos into said slides my wrists are not feeling part of my hands of arms anymore – they are somewhere floating in mid air typing this piece, so can just about sign off and say goodnight, I have to say I’m guilty of not reading Hanzors today from yesterday – Big Sorry Hanzor! Will try and catch up with it tomorrow on my coffee break at work! And lastly to say I have added more technology to my world – I can now twitter from my mobile! @mummyrella – think that is the correct way to write it! Have a good week all.  Mummyrella x

Friday, 3 December 2010

The one in which I apologise

I am so sorry (although I bet you didn’t miss me) – but I completely forgot to blog these past two Fridays.

It’s a rather busy time of year, isn’t it? And that’s my excuse.

I have been combining work/motherly duties with Christmas shopping and must admit that this year – more than ever – the interweb has been my friend. I have not actually been to one shop, but I have 90 per cent of the gift-buying done.

I have also booked my grocery shopping to be delivered.

So how smug am I?

Well, not much, to be honest. There’s still plenty to do, of course.

This week all children’s activities have been put on hold while we get over the snow (which I’ve just about had enough of now, thank you), although daughter starts a new gymnastics club tonight so we have to get there – even if it means a two-hour journey home!

I was so proud of her this week as she did her Grade 1 piano exam and got a merit – just two points off a distinction, too! – so all the hard work paid off. Son has the same exam in March, so he’ll be competitive enough to try to beat her *sigh*.

Tonight we have the dreaded primary school Christmas fair. Having chaired the PTFA for a year, I can tell you it’s far more enjoyable being behind a stall than in front of one – I predict chaos. As son has made a biscuit, which will be sold there, we have to go so we can buy it. I won’t be there for long: I try to approach it as a SWAT team would, with a quick recce and out again before I spend too much (I always do on the raffle).

Tomorrow the village I live in is holding its Victorian fair, which should be lovely with snow on the ground – v Dickensian. It also means it will be biting cold, so I hope the shops will be giving away their samples of tea and coffee to us!

Hope all is well with everyone in 7Yummymummies land!